Sunday, May 28, 2017


After breaking the record last year for the longest drought on record since record-keeping began, like about 100% of the country we've had plenty of rain lately. Eighty degrees feels like ninety in this humidity. Let's hope for some dry weather, but the atmosphere is saturated right now. It's a good time to keep your powder dry, as they say.
 I was about to refill the bird feeder when I noticed that the next generation of birdseed plants is sprouting. Some dirt had blown in from the Dust Bowl of 2016 and it had mixed with some birdseed-husk powder and spider webs. I checked it out and it's the perfect seed-starting mix. It's light and loamy and it has enough organic matter to hold moisture but it's open enough not to get waterlogged. I'd love to have a 50-lb bag of it actually. Man, this is a crazy thing to talk about I guess, but it's like a terrarium or an ant farm for birdseed. The birdseed seems to like it there.
 Birds are mostly into carbs and protein so I doubt they'll eat it. Maybe I could juice it or feed it to the cat. My dog goes crazy for birdseed to the point that we have to keep it out of his reach. Maybe he'd dig the sprouts too. He loves any kind of greens and he eats a certain few types of grasses just because he likes them and not because he's sick. I tasted everything he eats just to see what wild edibles he's into, and this one plant is actually very tasty. It's a little tangy and minty and very sweet. I'd make a gourmet salad out of it. My dog knows his shit.
 Birdseed sprouting in a feeder. That's some stupid shit to talk about. I like it though. It serves double duty. Hopefully it's aesthetically-pleasing to the birds. I do want them to enjoy the dining experience. Tweet up.

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