Friday, May 5, 2017

Tomorrow is Overrated

Cuervo has a new commercial that came out a few days ago. It's a bit dark and unsettling. The theme is "Tomorrow is overrated." I guess that's some dry humor about Armageddon. I find the timing of this ad to be interesting considering that it came out directly in between two meteor showers where huge and long-duration meteors are coming in, but it's surely just coincidence.
 The commercial is movie-quality. They show the edited version on TV but I found the whole clip on Youtube, and it's obvious they spent millions. It's almost overkill. They use an actual Elvis tune, and there's a couple mil at least right off the bat. It begins with some little dive bar out West. There's a Cat-7 hurricane going on outside, but the few people inside act almost oblivious. They continue on as if nothing is up.
 There's a dude at the bar drinking. As the door of the bar gets ripped off and the lights begin to flicker, he notices this gnarly chick as if he's just noticed her. Maybe the wind blew her in. They lock eyes as the bartender pours them what's presumably one of their very last shots of tequila, and they pop a quarter into the jukebox and get to dancing. They select "Now or Never," and Elvis' voice comes blaring from the speakers. Pretty soon the jukebox blows up, so the girl, who just happens to be an excellent keyboard player, finishes the song on the bar's rickety old piano as the roof gets blown off. Well, I guess the King did metaphorically blow the roof off a few times in his day, so it's appropriate. This image is at the end of the commercial. It's somehow become dark, and it looks like it's almost time to assume the position and kiss your ass goodbye, but the guy and the girl are still dancing as if they don't have a care in the world. There's not even an "Oh shit" from anybody. Maybe they saw it coming in on the Weather Channel and took a bunch of extra Xanax. You'd think so. Somewhere along the way it says "TOMORROW IS OVERRATED." Indeed.
 It's caused a bit of a stir and already there are lots of articles about it and I read a few. One said that since it was obviously the end of the world, the "decision" to dance and party as the world ends is meaningless. If they'd been able to choose between dancing in the face of death, or running away or whatever, it would've meant something, but as it is it means nothing. That's true and very well-said. Other articles questioned the timing of an ad that's obviously meant to cause unease, and certainly promote the idea to say "Fuck it" and get bombed on Cuervo, and the premium stuff no less, at a time when people are anxious enough, but it's just part of a trend. Most commercials are getting darker. This one so far about takes the cake. Why would they spend such a huge amount of money for a TV commercial? It has to be significant somehow. You don't need to make a commercial that severe just to sell booze. Booze sells itself.
 One thing none of the articles mention even a hint of was any possible biblical tie-ins, but I didn't expect to find any. To be fair, maybe there aren't any. If I happened to find myself in a situation anything similar to the one in this commercial, I can't say I wouldn't have a shot of tequila myself. I can say one thing though for sure. Whether I had a shot of tequila or not, I'd be on my knees praying to God. The God of the Bible. Amen.

Here's the commercial. Enjoy.

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