Thursday, May 25, 2017

Meteor Madness

I know I'm harping on this thing but it's a major meteor situation. There may be something fishy going on, and possibly many more meteors are coming in than are being shown. I stayed up to play drums, and because knowing there's that many meteors flying by fires me up. Not to mention they don't even know yet where these are coming from.
 I clicked on livemeteors around midnight, and as I said they were mostly small ones but they were coming in steadily. Over the next hour though they really began getting bigger, and a few monsters flew by.

One looked like a rocket ship from an 8-bit Atari game.

One looked like a cross.

They flew by like little buzz bombs.

Within an hour or so the live feed began pausing to buffer. At first it would come back after a minute or two, but it got steadily worse, and right now it only trickles through a few seconds every minute, and when it does come back it jumps back and forth, as evidenced by the time stamps. I've never seen the site glitch like this before. It's on Youtube, but that's not the problem. All other videos and live feeds are working just fine. It's not my computer or the Internet. I checked it on my phone, which is on a different carrier.
 It's funny that it should glitch just as more big-ass meteors were starting to come in. In the few seconds per minute that the stream works, nothing much but little to medium ones are displaying. It's virtually not working right now. It's as if every time a big one starts to register on the graph, the video pauses briefly, and if it turns out to be a little one, it continues for a second, but it almost seems as if the big ones are being "censored." You can see what's happening here. As soon as an image of a big one starts to appear; in this case two at once, it stops to buffer, as you can also see, and it jumps ahead a minute or so and it's gone. It's been happening over and over; almost as if it's being edited on the fly. Maybe that sounds crazy, but it's highly coincidental that just as the screen was practically going berserk with meteors, it glitches for the first time I know about.
Maybe this is why. I'm certainly not the only one noticing this stuff BTW. This is from a video from last night. It made my jaw drop. This is far beyond any of the images I took, and those were already far beyond anything I'd ever seen on the website in probably a decade. This is nuts. Just the main band in the middle is much wider, to say nothing of the side bands that extend beyond the main frequency range. The spike at the top, above the jagged line, is completely off the graph, or "clipped." I've seen it get right up to the top, but never clipped. The peak would have gone up at least two more lines. That's incredible. I probably wouldn't show this either if it were up to me. This is serious.
Maybe I spoke too soon, because this monster just flew in, but it's literally the only big one that's been displayed in the last hour, and that makes no sense. Could these meteors possibly be being censored at this very moment? They are from an unknown source. Meteors from some of the different showers are different in composition, size and duration. Maybe these meteors are megameteors or something. The whole thing is odd. It sounds paranoid maybe, but to have the stream be interrupted and glitch in a really weird way just as things were getting good, and for the first time ever that I know of, is one hell of a coincidence. I've seen plenty of videos buffer and slow and stop altogether or come back, but never once have I seen it jump back and forth like that.
 If it were just glitching normally, it seems like it would at least occasionally stop on a big meteor, but it's not showing anything but little ones, except for this one. Curious...most, most curious. One thing's for damn sure...meteors are in the 'hood and there's lots of them. In fact I've never seen as many coming in as I was seeing earlier. I wish the live stream would go back up. I really do. The sky may not be falling but some stars sure are, and daylight or dark has nothing to do with it. Like I said before I have Chicken Little on speed-dial in case it turns out that the sky really is falling. I sure hope I don't have to call him. Heads-up.

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