Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Real Sunscreen Story (seasonal rewrite - IMPORTANT INFORMATION)

[NOTICE: This post is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure anything besides lack of information. Have a nice day.]
 If you go to the pool or the beach (lucky you) this Summer, you'll probably have some sunscreen. This will sound crazy at first but bear with me. Before you go slathering it all over your skin, take a moment to look at the ingredients. Yes, I realize no one can pronounce any of those chemicals; much less know what they are. It would take half an hour to enter them all into a search engine. Even if you were to go to the trouble to do that, you'd find official-looking websites that basically all say the exact same thing. "Ladies and gentlemen...'HexelTrexel123betaoffa-9X-alphaomegaethyl-HanselGretelB-42BINGO!tri-gloppa' is perfectly safe." Before you just go believing that because it makes you feel better, you may want to consider that they recently tried to say that a certain form of mercury was perfectly safe to ingest. They got called out on that one before the day was out. Luckily some people still had enough common sense to call bullshit, and they were busted almost immediately. Yeah, they're looking out for us. It's their #1 priority; not making billions of dollars. If you believe that something is safe just because some company-funded website says it is, then bless your naive little heart.
 Just a casual scan of this label shows aluminum. Aluminum is highly toxic in ANY form. I've actually bothered to look up some of these ten-syllable ingredients, and sure enough, I'll find a few websites that say it's perfectly safe, or at worst they'll say something to the effect of "possible carcinogen, but not enough evidence" or some bullshit like that. It's bullshit. And guess what...all the sites, with the exception of URLs, backgrounds and ads, the text is copy/pasted, complete with typos and misspellings, from one site to the next. Why would they need to do that? Because most people will simply believe it and not question. Their copycat sites come up first in searches, and push websites with actual facts and not just propaganda down to the bottom of the second page, and most people give up long before then, if they even bother to try to find out the real story in the first place. For now just remember: Aluminum in sunscreen. Aluminum BAD. That's just one thing.
 Okay, here's the crazy part. Read that label and ask yourself (seriously) if you'd drink it. Right now you're saying  "Hell, NO I wouldn't DRINK it! That's insane, and so is this fool." I get it, but hang on. The truth is, you'd be WAY better off drinking it instead of putting it on your skin. Why? You've heard of transdermal patches. Think nicotine patches, motion-sickness patches, IcyHot patches, pain patches and such. "Transdermal" literally means "across the skin," and that's how they work. You don't think lotion is any different, do you? It's no different. Here's the deal: if you put lotion or anything else on your skin, it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. If you swallow it on the other hand, it has to pass through your digestive system, liver and kidneys. All those chemicals at once will stress your organs a bit but most of the toxins would be filtered out before getting to the bloodstream. If you apply it to your skin it bypasses all of that. Make sense? I hope so. I care. I ain't makin' a dime offa this. Do you see any ads anywhere on this page? If I was making money from this post though I can guarantee I'd be selling sunscreen that didn't have all that bullshit in it. I even have a name for it actually. I'm not selling anything. While we're at it, I'm not a real doctor either.
 I realize this sounds batshit-crazy maybe but it's a logical question. What's illogical is the idea of drinking lotion of course, but if people really thought about it, so should putting it on your skin be. If you doubt any of this, go find a friend who's trying to quit smoking, and see if you can borrow a few patches and put them all on at once. If you can maintain for two minutes without getting the worst case of the twirlies you ever had in your life, and if you aren't tripping out and getting tunnel vision and turning all green and throwing up your toenails,'re a bigger man than I, Gunga Din. Of course I'm not serious. Don't do that. It will make you sick. I've seen people wearing nicotine patches, and when they get the jones for a ciggy they'll give the patch a few sharp taps. Apparently that breaks up the Tiny Time Pills and they get a nicotine rush. Again it's transdermal. It goes across the skin and innnnnnnnnnnnto the bloodstream. Cheers.
 Think about it. Read those labels. Would you squirt that shit down your throat? You'd be much better off.

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