Monday, May 22, 2017

Seeds of Change?

This is the Svalbard Global Seed Bank, aka the doomsday seed vault. It contains as many varieties of heirloom (non-GMO, non-hybrid) seeds as they could cram inside. It's located near the Arctic Circle. The purpose is to be able to reseed the planet should some sort of calamity occur. It was meant to be permanent and safe from most catastrophes, and eternally frozen due to its being built into the deep permafrost. Trouble is the permafrost has been anything but perma over the last year or so, and it's melting.
 A few days ago a statement came out saying that the building had been damaged by the infiltration of water. They said the water seeped into the structure and then refroze "like a glacier" inside. At first they reported that the seeds were damaged, but that sounded funny to me. What did they do...leave the seeds in their paper packets and toss them in a shoe box labeled "Maters?" That's ridiculous. A day later they said that although the structure is damaged by ice the seeds are doing fine. Whew. Now we can reseed the planet, "as long as n'u'n don't hap'n" as my girl Rose used to say.
 You get three guesses what they're blaming it on, and the first two don't count. That's's that old bullshit-bugaboo "climate change;" formerly known as "global warming." It's YOUR damn fault because you drove your SUV to work this morning. At least that's what the powers that be want you to believe. The climate is changing alright, but it's NOT because of your SUV, or anything else you do for that matter. Just wait until the "carbon tax" takes effect. Lots of people are going to suffer as a direct result. If you think I'm crazy, just wait and see. It's the biggest load of bullshit ever perpetuated on the population of Planet Earth. No joke.
 I'm NOT saying for one second that driving SUVs and burning trash or having factories or all the many other things we do have zero effect on the atmosphere and "climate change" and certainly air quality, but compared to the amount of methane and other reactive gasses that cows belch every day; to say nothing of volcanic activity and smoke from wildfires, what humans do is literally a drop in the bucket. If you decide to just roll over and take the blame for what are normal Earth processes, then it's on you. Please don't buy the bullshit.
 Look where the major pollution comes from...mostly huge factories and nuclear plants and rich, greedy assholes who don't give a flying fuck, and will dump their shit right in your backyard. While I'm ranting, take fluoride. It's INDUSTRIAL WASTE. Sure, it kills cavities, but it also kills everything else in its path. It's one of the deadliest toxins known to man, yet we ingest it every day without question. Other things kill cavities without being deadly poisons. Think about it...they're dumping their INDUSTRIAL WASTE on us, and we thank them. Look it up. It's added to many municipal water supplies and is in toothpaste of course, but not many people know that it's added to many medicines, with the worst offender being antidepressants. If you doubt this you can go to the official CDC and other websites and see actual scans of ingredient labels from medicines. While you're at it, check out vaccine ingredients. Fluoride is seriously toxic, and BTW, taking fluoride internally for cavities makes exactly as much sense as drinking sunscreen for sunburn. That ISN'T "fake news." Okay...rant over, I hope. Sorry, but it's true.
 I find it interesting that so far there's no mention of the incident on their official webpage. Maybe the whole thing is just more psy-op bullshit. It even looks like there's a polar bear sitting up in the floodlight, but it's probably just some plastic or ice or something. My Bullshitometer is pegging right now. I'm not exactly sure why but I smell a big fucking frozen rat. The seeds are fine, yo, even though they first came out saying that some were ruined, like they didn't even know what a Ziploc is. That's bullshit from word one and I'm glad I didn't buy it. Turns out the seeds are well-protected. You can take a surprisingly-extensive tour (minus the recent "indoor glacier" damage) of the inside and outside of the facility. I'll leave links below. I wonder if they'll even bother to update the site. I'll keep an eye out. Meanwhile my advice to you would be to grab some heirloom seeds of your own and store them in your own humble home freezer. And beware of bullshit. Stay chill, y'all.

Svalbard Seed Bank:

360-degree tour:

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