Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Sunscreen Alternatives

[NOTICE: This post is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure anything besides lack of information. Have a nice day.]
 I almost went and made a faux pas. I put up a post about a scary subject and I didn't offer an alternative like I usually do. My bad. In the case of alternatives to commercial sunscreens, there are several. First, you can stay out of the Sun. Yeah, I know you want to go to the pool and try to hit that fine sister in the yellow one-piece, but you're not going to get within ten feet of her if you're all blistered and oozing. You can at least avoid midday Sun. Show up at the pool at 3:00. If one-piece chick wants to let you hit it she'll be there.
 If she's a nurse or a waitress and she works the 3-11 shift and she can't stay until 3:00, you can always wear a long sleeve T, and bicycle pants or thin cotton sweatpants. Hell, wear jammy pants. Who cares? Maybe one-piece will actually think you're different from the other bozos, even though you're probably not, and give you the time of day. Worried you'll look dorky? Who cares? My whole style is Post-Dork. Works for me. I could tell you swimming-pool stories that'd curl your toes. My bumper sticker says "Dorky and Proud."
 A third option would be natural sunscreen, and there are tons of products that appear to be at least worth trying. Some of them use minerals and other natural ingredients to form a protective but breathable layer that protects skin. I can't speak to any of these products since I haven't tried them and don't really plan to. I went to several websites and the ideas behind their products seem sound, but not having any experience with these products I won't put up any links, but please feel free to search. Sure they cost more, but you need to weigh out the whole picture, rather than cost only. Is it worth it to keep from putting that chemical brew, whether they say it's safe or not, into your body? That's for you to decide. If a natural sunscreen (or a chemical one, for that matter) keeps you from getting melanoma, what is that worth? Most places that sell those products will give new customers up to 25% off on the first order with just one click, and that can put the price more in line with the name products.
I won't put up any websites but I did find this young lady on one of the first sites I clicked. Mama. She's got the look. I hope she's legal. It's getting harder to tell these days. She uses natural skin products.apparently, and she does have that healthy glow. Not a damn thing wrong with that. Healthy rocks. Yeah, I reckon I'd practice "Safe Sun" with her about any day of the week. Just kidding. I think.

Whatever you do, please be careful in the Sun this year. I may be trying to be funny here, but skin cancer is no joke. I never under any circumstances ever try to present anything as fact, unless I've done my own research and checked out BOTH sides of the story, rather than just picking what fits my opinions. Not to toot my own horn because thankfully I'm not alone in my methods, but the world would truly be a better place if more people relied on FACTS rather than their esteemed opinions. It's great to have opinions, but ideally they should be backed with facts. I've said before but if you rely only on your opinions and never even bother to check into both sides of the story, you may THINK you know the story, but you'll truly never know for sure. That is simply beyond debate. As far as my world goes, it would be a better one if I could go back in time until I was about "Safe Sun" chick's age, and rub some all-natural sunscreen on her. Not really...I'm just kidding again. I think. Practice safe Sun. Have a UVB-free day.

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