Sunday, May 28, 2017

Handle of the Day

I love reading comments below articles and videos. It's a sure way to crack yourself up. You may have to poke around a bit to find some decent comedy, but eventually you'll run into some hilarious comments, and many times the commentators aren't trying to be funny, and that's even better. Generally I find that the crazier the video is to begin with, the crazier the comments are. Of course people fly off topic all the way to the dark side of the Moon, but that's part of it. Some of these accidental comedians have some pretty good handles too.
 I just ran across a guy (I'm assuming) on Youtube whose handle is "N-itron Clash Royale&More." That's outstanding. ":D" was all Mr. itron had to say today. It seems his handle-naming skills may be a little better than his commenting skills. It was a stand-alone comment and it came out of the blue and didn't seem to be a response to anything in particular. Maybe there's more meaning to emoticons than I realize, or maybe Clash is just happy today. Good for him. In any case he sure has a bitchin' handle.

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