Sunday, May 28, 2017


This gargantuan meteor just came in. I keep thinking I've seen it all and then something like this happens. I keep talking about these meteors because when you've been so utterly familiar all your life with something, like shooting stars have been to me since age four, when it changes so much it's a paradigm shift. And I'm not the only one concerned. When this monster hit I made a comment in the live chat. Three guys joined in, and one seemed to be an expert of some sort. Both said what I've been saying and that's that these meteors are different from any they've ever seen.
 One guy put it up on his Youtube channel immediately. I'll put a link below. Those guys are freaking out too. It's not just me. Stay tuned. Heads up.

Here's a link to a video of this image I took of the huge meteor:

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