Thursday, May 18, 2017

Is There Salt That's Actually Good for You?

[NOTICE: This post is not intended to replace medical treatment. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure anything besides lack of knowledge. Have a nice day.]
 We always hear how bad salt is for us, but is there actually a type of salt that's good for us? The answer is yes. These crystals could almost be rose quartz but they're actually pink Himalayan sea salt. "Land salt" would probably be a better term since whatever the last cataclysm that thrust the Himalayas up out of the ocean also pushed this salt onto land. It hasn't been subjected to any possible contaminants or radiation that salt mined from certain places can be plagued with, in case you didn't know. Purity is guaranteed with this salt.
 Much more than that is the makeup of the salt. If I have this right it contains 57 different minerals, and most if not all are important to life. Aside from things like proteins and such that you obviously can't get from salt, according to experts the mineral profile is complete enough to actually keep you alive for a while if it's all you have to consume. The nutritional benefits far outweigh any of the negative aspects of common salt, especially in small doses. Your body needs salt anyway. I'd like to mention here that sodium and sodium chloride, or table salt, are two different things, so if you hear people say that sodium is bad, that's not correct. Sodium helps to balance sodium chloride among other things. Celery contains sodium and is a very good choice if you happen to be into juicing. If not you can just eat it. Go ahead and add a tiny pinch of this won't hurt you. Celery and salt go together like spic and span. If you do happen to juice, and you should, a very quick and complete recipe is a half-pound of ORGANIC (non-GMO of course) carrots, or a pound if juicing for two; two (or four) stalks of celery, and half an apple per person. Juice and drink promptly. Don't forget to clean your juicer right away or it will take ten times longer.
 I'm a salt guy anyway and I love the taste of this salt, but many people don't add salt to anything. For those people it would really be worth it to sneak in a pinch of this salt where you can. My buddy Tut, who turned me onto it, hates salt. He says he holds his nose and chokes some down, but it shouldn't be that drastic. You can actually use salt to make certain things taste sweeter. Salty and sweet (and smokey, tart, spicy, etc. too) tastes go great together. Sweet things can mask the salt taste. You can add a little pinch to a pot of coffee and it will counteract some of the bitterness and lend a sweet note to the coffee. That's really a good trick and you'll never taste the salt.
 Salted caramel is all the rage, and this salt tastes fantastic on a piece of good caramel. Same goes for chocolate. If you eat grapefruit with sugar, try adding a pinch of this salt instead, or with less sugar. Again it will counteract some of the bitterness and make the grapefruit taste sweeter. That's another cool trick. You can add a pinch to smoothies. I like to add ground hempseed to my smoothies if I can afford it, and a pinch of this salt really brings out the nutty flavor, and it doesn't taste salty at all. Of course you can add it to food if you wish. Speaking of food, if you cook food that you plan to use any salt on at any point, it's much better to use salt before the food is cooked. If not, you'll have to end up adding much more to get the same amount of salty taste. I don't know why that is.
 We usually buy the salt in bulk. You can get it already ground or in those little plastic grinder containers, but I like to grind my own. I can grind it very finely and use less of it on popcorn, and it dissolves better in a cold smoothie. I highly recommend this stuff. It's a really cheap way to replace minerals that are depleted faster than they can be replenished these days. It's more expensive than regular salt, but you have to weigh the benefits rather than just cost. In those terms it's worth its weight in gold. I use it every day. It's pretty too.

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