Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Unhealthy People Giving Medical Advice

Don't you just love it when obviously-unhealthy people try to give medical advice? It'd be like me, a walking stick man, trying to give people advice on bodybuilding. It's a joke, and yet here they are. Dude here (I forgot his name, sorry) was down in Cullman, Alabama, basically ridiculing people who hadn't gotten the stick yet. 

 He basically had the same smirk on his face that you see here. Hint: that's how you can tell that someone is full of shit- if they don't have any logical facts to argue with, they have to resort to insults, mockery and name-calling, just for the sake of keeping the argument going, and refusing to back down a tad or even acknowledge the other person's views. It's what little kids do, and sadly also some immature adults. They're showing what they're made of. They can't help it. 

 I've been getting the same thing from certain members of my family forever. They've insisted that I've been wasting my money all these years on things like herbs, supplements, eating organic foods when possible and not cramming burgers and shit down my throat. I guess they think that I've been fooled by the Placebo Effect for 40+ years. Right. So I've just wasted all that money? Who spends hundreds of dollars every year on doctor visits, meds, fuel and wear and tear on your car, lost productivity, etc., and who spends $0 in an average year? Who's miserable with their general health and appearance? Who's bordering on obese? Who's medicated to fuck and back? Another hint: not me. Who in their right mind would trash a healthy lifestyle...a healthy person or one who's pathetically out of shape? I ask a lot of rhetorical questions. 

 So here we got Biggun, waddling around telling people they're stupid. Have a look in the mirror, pal. 

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