Friday, August 6, 2021

New Friend Update

I just texted the young woman I met yesterday. She called me back and we talked for a good bit. I'm going to meet up with her in a while and give her some things for her dogs. She's so damn cool. I knew she was very smart already, but from the way she spoke and the things she talked about, if I didn't know I'd have said she was much closer to my age, and probably Caucasian, and don't call that r@c1st please. 

 What blew my mind, and it's a lot harder to do these days, is that she told me she was a "Truther," like me! I knew it. There was something about her that I knew was "extra." I could feel it. I doubt she's much over 21, if that, but she's fairly petite and it's difficult to tell. Since she's aware of all the nasty chemicals in our food and lotions and things, she could be older, and just looks young.

 Either was it's incredible. I said she's an Old Soul and she is. God is good. In fact, I've been asking myself why I live where I do now, but I trusted that God put us here for a reason, and I'm guessing this may be it. We "Christians" like to look for "confirmation," and not four hours after I met her my favorite "info" guy came on. Get this: he said "Don't worry about where you are right now. Don't give it another thought. God put you there for a reason. He made us a promise, and He won't go back on his word."

 Isn't that just as interesting as all getout? I'm amazed. In fact I'm gobsmacked. I'm gonna mix up some of the Green Slime for her dogs, and who knows...I just might shower two days in a row. I'll be getting together with someone I feel I was meant to meet, in about an hour. When life throws you a bone, grab it and growl. 

 I feel like I'm going on a date, except there's none of that thing at all. That, coupled with the fact that she's awake, means that we can be friends pretty quickly without having to go through the usual "screening process," and without any weirdness. I'm gonna go out on a limb and trust her completely for now. Trust has to be earned of course, but she and I are kindreds, and that's beyond debate, so it should speed up the process. Besides, if we never trust anyone ever again, the human race is toast. I'm ready to see my new friend. I can't wait. 

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