Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Result of a Godless Society

Do you know what happens to a society that tries to remove God from the equation? Look it up. It's not promising. Before any society crumbles, first we get shit like this. Okay, disclaimer...I don't hate these people, or anyone else, and this is NOT hate speech. All I feel for these people is pity and sorrow.  

 The interesting thing here is that this person (I don't want to "mis-pronoun" anyone, if applicable) wanted to look more "feminine." In what world is this feminine? Is it just because I'm old and not "with it?" I doubt it. This person was what I'd call "attractive" before this shit was done, but as always WTF do I know? Don't get me wrong...I'm all about self-expression. Self-mutilation however is a different story.

 And the kicker is that we're supposed to think that somehow this is normal, and not only that but we're supposed to coddle and nurture this shit, instead of directing these people toward some counseling, which they desperately need. Interestingly I read today where they've closed many mental facilities, which is precisely the wrong time to do it, and they're turning more people away than ever. I think I know where they went. This is "Call the Popsicle truck" shit right here. 

 It's like taking multi-collagen- after a month or so you'll notice softer hair and skin, and wrinkles will fill in and such. But what collagen does on the inside is way more important- making arteries and veins stronger and more supple, healing stomach issues and a host of other things, only you can't see those things. If these poor people look like this on the outside, we can only imagine the internal turmoil they must be going through. You can call me crazy and I don't care, but I say that this facial mutilation is a reflection of the demon inside this person. 

This is fucked-up.

This is fucked-up.

This is fucked-up.

This is fucked-up.

This is beyond fucked-up, and in public no less. It's sick.

Maybe I'm judging here, and I normally leave that to God, but I'm NOT judging these people individually; I'm judging this shit as a whole. Can anyone honestly call this normal? I don't see how. Does seeing this shit make you feel "normal?" I feel creeped-out as fuck. This bullshit is exactly why God sent the great flood back in the days of Noah. Father, please forgive these poor fucks. 


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