Thursday, August 5, 2021

"JESUS!" ("You're Fired!")

Did you know that in most or all military and gub'mint installations, saying "Jesus Christ" or just plain "Jesus" is expressly forbidden? Interesting, huh? It's true, and you can look it up all day long. Actually it's been in place in these installations, both above- and below-ground BTW, for a very long time in many places, but within the last decade or so it's become universal. It's basically law. 

 You're even forbidden to say it in casual conversation, the way many people use it in place of "Wow!" or "Dang!" You're not supposed to say it even if you stub your toe, like "JESUS!" Literally, saying the name of Jesus is a very big no-no. I doubt many people violate it, but I hear that if someone does, worse things than simple termination happen. Hmm...sounds a little bit like a You-know-what theory, doesn't it? In fact it's fact, Jack.

 What's the deal? Is it just to filter out all the bumpkins, because anyone who believes in Jesus is obviously uneducated, superstitious, wimpy and completely unfit for a science (SCIENCE) job, or is it more than that? Could it possibly relate to the old, but true, saying that says that you don't get flack unless you're over the target? If there's nothing to it, why even bother, and firing people? That don't play. I could maybe see prohibiting preaching about Jesus, but obviously it's the name itself. Could it just maybe have anything to do with what this book said, that that name and that name alone takes authority over EVERY evil thing, every demon and even Satan himself, and they KNOW it? 

 Demons in the military and the gub'mint? Surely not. And as always, stop calling me Shirley. It sounds crazy but it makes just as much sense as weeding-out the bumpkins, and I think it's true. Furthermore although granted you wouldn't expect to hear the name of Jesus come up very often in the field of science (SCIENCE) anyway, until fairly recently it was NEVER an obstacle to getting a higher-up job in any field. Ordinarily I'd say this is most curious, and it is, but in cases like this I say it's par for the course. As I've been saying a lot lately, "Welcome to the Beast System!" Have a nice day. 



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