Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Helping People

I'll drop what I'm doing, if anything, to help someone, even a total stranger, without expecting anything in return. It's nothing special about folks did it and I got it from them. Recently a guy who has a big YouTube channel had a question under one of his vids. A family was having really bad problems with Brown Recluse spiders. Lots of critters have been flooded out of their homes and are relocating, sometimes into our homes. There were so many spiders that they couldn't even sleep in their own house, and had to stay in a motel.

 I'm certainly not the only one who knows this, but I suggested Diatomaceous Earth. I hoped they'd try it but I didn't think I'd ever find out. I was just now watching a video by the guy, and he mentioned that, and thanked me for the suggestion. Apparently the family tried DE and it worked beautifully. They said that since they applied it they've only seen two spiders, and they were dying. They were able to sleep in their house again after several weeks. I was thrilled. That's what you do- you help others, and your reward is that you helped a fellow human being. It's really no biggie, but it's how things should be. If nobody does it, it'll all disappear. Have a nice day. 


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