Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Funniest Thing I've Seen in a While

This cracked me up so hard I saved it to faves, and I'm even going to film it with my phone so I'll have a safety copy. So this fine sister was eating at a Teppanyaki place. It looks like they were either closing or hadn't opened yet, but in any case she had his full attention. I have to say that if I'd known how easy it is to hit on women by using the ol' "sock puppet" trick, I might have seriously wanted to be a Teppanyaki chef. 

 He thought she looked a little sad, so he went into his deal. He picked up a piece of fish I guess with his fork and spatula and made it move along to what he was saying. Brilliant. The conversation went something like this:

Fish: "Hey baby!"

Girl: "Hello."

Fish: "Are you single?"

Girl: "Yes."

Fish: "Awwwww...when you broke up?"

Girl: "A couple of days ago."

Fish: "Awwwww. Knock-knock..."

Girl: "Who's there?

Fish: "Not your boyfriend!"

He then burst into maniacal laughter, as did I, as she flipped him off. Too fucking much. Love this shit. Here's the vid:

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