Friday, August 6, 2021

Still Lots of Good People Around

I met the most amazing person today. My dog took me out for a walk and her two dogs were walking her too. I noticed how beautiful and unusual both her dogs were, and I asked what they were. She walked right over, and this dog immediately wanted to play, and was all over me. My dog is getting slowly better with other dogs. It's been three years since he lived with another dog, and since then he gets a little growly when he meets another dog but it's nothing serious and he'd never hurt another dog unless it outright attacked him.

 He's only protecting me, but what's hilarious is that he actually gets jealous if I pay attention to another dog, and it's happened enough times to know it's real. He can be all cool and sniffy and everything, but the instant I say "What a pretty dog" he'll get a little growly. He adores people of course. 

 She walked over just like she knew me and started talking. I was really pleased that she was friendly for one thing, and not everybody around here, even dog-walkers, will return even a grunt for a smile and a hello. Most of the people I've met are nice, and my dog is an excellent judge of character.

 As I've said if we meet someone we've never seen before, all I have to do is watch his reaction, which is usually positive but not always, and the WAGL, or Wag-Associative Gain Level, tells the story. Every now and then someone gets the "family" tail-wag, and I always stop and talk to those people. He's always right on the money. In short he has a very accurate Wagometer. Speaking of wag, her dog shown here really seemed to like me, and really wanted to play with Bert, and he sorta did too, but he was a bit standoffish. 

 I didn't need to look at his tail to see that this sister was cool. She started telling me all about how they were rescues, good for her, and that the big dog was a one-year-old Pit/Chihuahua mix, which you don't see every day. You can't tell here but her markings are amazing and she's a gorgeous dog. I could tell she was really young, and she was friendly as she could be. The other dog, a male Schnauzer mix was equally beautiful. He ran over and sniffed but didn't engage me right away. The girl dog, Lulu I think, was all over me. 

 Bert stayed cool enough that we talked for a good ten minutes. It was great. She seemed like a really sweet person. She was certainly friendly enough, and wonder of wonders, she didn't call me "Sir," even though I could be her grandpappy. We just talked like two people perfect equals with a mutual thing in common. I wouldn't bring it up except that it just proves that all this racial bullshit is being created on purpose. Nobody truly wants it. 

 I told her I'd love to get a photo of her dogs but I didn't have my phone, and she said that she was over this way usually once a day at least, and we said a pleasant goodbye. When I got in though I had to get a photo of her dogs. They'd gone around back so I grabbed my phone and hustled around to meet them. Lulu was so glad to see me again that she took off for me. I tried to get a few photos but she was moving around so fast that I gave up and tried to take a couple of videos, but she was too quick for that too. 

 She seemed to want to talk some more so I sat down on the grass and we chatted for twenty minutes. From dogs it went to animals, then people, then the world and whatnot, and it was literally stunning how much we were alike. We were grinning about it. I think I was meant to go back out to snap a photo. It dawned on me that she was a true "Old Soul." It also dawned on me that she had a special kind of beauty. I don't generally stare at women until I start drooling, although it's happened, even when I was a much younger man, but I couldn't help but notice. She really has an interesting look. 

 I don't have a thing for youngsters but she's plenty legal. She's also married, which makes her off-limits, as if I'd even have a prayer, and that's not an issue anyway. Realistically I'd have to start at at least age 45 and up (way up) in a woman, for her to be interested in me. There was no hint of anything like that anyway. It was simply the man in me being attracted to a female. Plus she was really friendly, and were I a younger man I'd have been most interested in her. 

 What was really cool, and an honor actually, was that her other dog finally came over to me, climbed in my lap and gave me a lick or two. Her eyes got big, and I was like "What?" and she told me that he never wanted to be friendly with anyone, even her husband. She said that when guys, or anybody really, comes around he'll growl from a distance. She couldn't believe he liked me, but it's happened many times before. Dogs know dog-people. I guess she reckoned I was okay. I love it. 

 She said they had another dog that was afraid to even go outside to pee. That makes me sick, and I'm damn sure no expert or dog-trainer but if I can possibly do anything to help I will. I do have a few calming agents, including a pheromone spray that mimics the mother's scent, plus dog-safe herbs and supplements, that while doubtful would cure the dog, would absolutely ease a bit of stress. The thought of even remotely helping this dog in any way right now brings a thrill to me and butterflies to my stomach. Father, please grant me wisdom, and comfort to your creatures. 

 As we talked it hit me that one of two things was at play...either she was faking every second and just pretending to be an amazing person, or she truly was, and for now I'm going with the latter. Having had recent experience with a couple of people who suffer from a certain condition, and who can fake things like real love and empathy better than any Hollywood actor who's ever lived, but don't truly possess them, and "possess" can be said to be an operative word here, and who literally have to wear a mask (not a literal mask, like the ones people are wearing due to the plannedemic, but a figurative one) every second they're around another person, except those unfortunate enough to get really close to them, I can say that once you know what to look for you can see the mask "drop," if only for a second.

 Normal people can only imagine the energy it must take to have to pretend you're something you're not. Studies show that most people can only keep a fake emotion up for no longer than about a minute before they tire and have to relax those muscles and reset. These people are way better at maintaining it, but still it's exhausting and they show tiny cracks periodically. It's fascinating, if horrific, to see. A person without empathy and true love isn't 100% human, no matter what anybody says. 
 I saw not a bit of that with her. I saw love and concern in her eyes, not the cold, dead, fish-eyed, doll-eyed look of someone who's faking it. She teared-up talking about her other dog. Anyway so far she passes, and I'm over the Moon. I asked her if she liked lotion (dumb question) or lip balm, and she said yes, but that she didn't like putting a bunch of chemicals on her skin. Hallelujah! She's one of me. I offered her my number and she took it. She texted me with her info. I started not to but I texted her back to say I got it and I'd holler next time I made a batch of treats, and that it was really nice to meet her and her animals.

 She got back to me and we ended up texting for a long time. She invited us to drop by any time and that she'd really enjoyed meeting me and Mr. B too. I brought up the hubby deal just to make sure there wasn't anything untoward, because believe it or not, some young gals have a "granddaddy" thing, and some don't care about prior commitments, but she passed that test too, and said we'd all get together. Maybe she's got an older sister. Or a single mom...okay...a grandmother. I offered to meet and walk if she happened to walk alone at night, which I highly doubted she did around here, but she didn't walk much past nine, and didn't go far at all. I don't blame her. But we did make plans to get together again, and more than once. 

 She, and her dogs, really made my day. Animalguy strikes again! It was one of those rare times where two people from completely different worlds meet, and find common ground right off the bat, and it's a perfectly-level field. It was joy. Plus I have her digits. I'll holler at her later today and give her some stuff for her dog, and some lip balm and stuff. She'll be impressed with that, but I really want to help her dog more than anything. She showed me some pics of him or her, I forgot, and it's another very beautiful dog, with very interesting markings. 

 What an amazing experience. What an amazing lady. Her dogs weren't bad either, and that too is a reflection on her. I don't think meeting was just an accident, and I have the craziest idea. Ever since the plannedemic, and really even before, I've wanted to do a "cooking" channel on YouTube, mainly for the culinaristically-challenged folks. I hope that isn't hate speech. I'm no chef but I love to cook, and I did cook briefly in five different places, and believe it or not they were all four-star. At one place, the crazy restaurant actually, my official title was "Salad Bitch." That's hilarious, and shows that I wasn't a Michelin-starred chef. 

 One place amazingly served everything from Mexican to Seafood to Steaks to burgers, plus a meat-and-three that was grandmother-good. Everything was fresh and not a microwave in sight. We made fresh tortilla chips every day, and I loved cutting the discs into triangles and seeing them hit the deep fryer and seeing clouds of steam rise until it stopped and they were perfectly-done, and with fresh salsa. As long-dead "food critic" Dennis Washburn would say, "I MEAN!" I happily made the mashed potatoes every day (always leave in little bits of the peel, and a few small lumps, to let people know they're real). I was sometimes entrusted with grilling a fillet or a nice piece of salmon but I was no chef. 

 Anyway, damn I can digress, but I want to do a very casual thing and just share a few tips, like how I slice an onion or cook broccoli, and share a few easy recipes like Rock & Roll Pasta. I read that with the lockdowns and shit, and people not being to order food as easily and certainly not as cheaply as before, and not being able to "cook with my cellphone" as someone cleverly put it, and who couldn't make coffee, and out of starvation are attempting to learn to cook. Not just them of course, but anybody learning, or who just wanted to laugh at my accent or lack of true skills. Actually AI is getting damn good at understanding a deep Southern accent like mine. 

 I need a partner, and sister would be perfect, if she's into it and hubby doesn't mind. I'm going to text her later today with something like "This may sound weird, but do you happen to cook?" Whatever the answer is doesn't really matter, although it'd be great if she does. If she can't cook I can damn-sure show her how to at least make a fried-egg sandwich. 

 If she couldn't cook but wanted to learn, if I could make it happen, and it may be a crazy idea, it'd be a ton of fun, and teaching her and hubs to cook would add a reality-show-esque quality to it. Gordon Ramsey here I come! I'm guessing that if we do hang out a bit, and it looks like we will, I bet she'd be into it. What a perfect way to counteract some of the fake racial bullshit, and have fun doing it. People would see the ease with which we communicate, if it holds-up, and I think it will. She didn't have to say one damn word to me today but she did, and we ended up talking and texting for well over an hour. Who'd'a thunk it?

 I've never tried to make a penny off of ads on YouTube by monetizing, but since they now throw ads up on all channels, we might as well. Now you have to have a certain number of subs, at least 1K, to monetize but you never could take off. It happens, and what better time for a young, kind, African-American (black) chick paired with a grizzled old white fuck? It could be a match made in Heaven. She'll at least get a kick out of the idea, and I wouldn't be surprised if she'd be into it. I'd be thrilled. Heck we could even do shows about cooking healthy for your pets, if we don't get flagged for giving "medical misinformation," the latest BULLSHIT "community guidelines" strike. "We could call it "Lunch with Lulu." I'd watch it.

 We'd keep it cool and never once mention any of the obvious differences. We'd have to deal with the usual trolls, maybe bots and general assholes, not to mention r@c1sts, or people who might have a problem with the age-difference, but that shit comes with the territory. Far and away the good guys outweigh the bad. I love the idea and I can't wait to run it by her. It's just crazy enough that she might go for it. Either way I seem to have found an amazing new friend, and that's priceless. Great dogs too. Maybe she cooks.


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