Monday, August 30, 2021

200,000 Facebook Users Can't Be Wrong...Can They?

Let me approach this carefully, and without my usual anger (if I can help it) and frustration over this stuff, and how they get away with it and most people don't say a word, so please read and consider. So far over 200,000 Facebook accounts have been terminated, for one single thing- talking about negative experiences after getting spiked.

 Now before you go and try to solve the problem by stating the obvious, like some "geniuses" I know will do, saying "Well, it's their platform so they can do anything they want to do" and somehow think you've laid the issue to rest, know that that has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. Of course they can do what they want. You have to look at what they're censoring, and why. You can't just state a known fact and think it explains things. That's stupid. 

 They call it "medical misinformation," but how can that be? It's medical information, pure and simple. These people are just reporting their experiences. They're not making things up or giving "medical misinformation" in any way. Aside from a few lunatics who'd do anything to attract attention, I think we all know that there are LOTS better things to bullshit about, that won't get you into big trouble. How in God's Gray Earth could it be called "misinformation?" C'mon, wake up. You know you want to. 

 Suppose you were thinking about buying, say, a new Tesla. It's a whole different gig, and you know nothing about it. Wouldn't you want to hear from others who'd already bought one? Of course you would. Wouldn't you want to read reviews, both positive AND negative? Of course. I hear Teslas are bitchin' rides, but what if Elon had come out with just a half-ass product. What if he posted it to his Facebook account, and then deleted 200K negative comments. Wouldn't you call "bullshit" on that? I know I would. Buying a new car is a big deal, but shouldn't what you put into your body be an even bigger deal? You'd think so, but judging by many people's appearance these days, which is unhealthy, I guess not. It's sad, but you "get what you pay for." 

 So...200,000 accounts shut down, not just comments, but accounts, simply because these people disagreed with the "Official Narrative" which states, as it ALWAYS states (but we know better), "It's perfectly safe." That should truly wake people up, and I mean 100%, but if not it just shows that people don't WANT to wake up. The kicker is that censorship backfires. When people find out that certain information is being suppressed, they want to know what and why. It's human nature. 200,000 people who had problems after being spiked...those numbers are approaching those of cases of what the shit's supposed to prevent in the first place. Again, please wake up. It sucks to wake up, granted, but in the end it's a good thing! It's a good thing for us ALL. And our KIDS. C'mon, y'all...we need you. We need EACH OTHER. 

 So like they always do, they say it's safe (1-800-BAD DRUG, remember?), without the proper testing, and we're just supposed to believe them. 200,000 people disagree, but we'll never hear from them. 200,000 people can't be wrong. 

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