Friday, August 27, 2021

Search of the Day

Search "Graphene Oxide." It's in the stick that most people have already put into their bodies. If you do happen to look into it, skip past those sites that sound like a broken record- "Of COURSE it's safe!" "Of COURSE it's safe!" "Of COURSE it's safe!" WTF do you THINK they're going to say, when BILLIONS of dollars are at stake? Do you honestly think they'll tell you that it has an affinity for the nervous system, and can cause big problems now, and DOWN THE ROAD? Hardly. They'll say "Of COURSE it's safe!" 

 Oh, and it's nanotechnology- exactly like some of us were saying that the stick would contain, before it ever came out, and people said we were crazy. No, we weren't. Look it up. If you don't have a problem putting this shit into your body, not to mention in an EXPERIMENTAL DRUG, then be my guest. Just don't be STUPID AS FUCK and try to say that we're killers, or that we don't love people. That's bullshit. We're trying to warn people for that very reason...because we love them. Can you dig? Wake the fuck up. 

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