Sunday, August 8, 2021

Three More Coincidences

I guess there's actually four "coincidences" here, but the other one ties in. I've mentioned this before, although I can't remember if I posted it. Not long after we moved into this apt complex, I'd be walking my dog at night, and all of the sudden it was like a dark mist just descended on the place. 

 I know that most people don't know what it's like to have trained your brain since you were very young, to be much more aware of things, and way more sensitive to vibrations, or "vibes" as it were...frequencies actually, which make-up everything in the Universe, but I have, and whatever people think about it doesn't bother me. I'm not bragging.

 We'd be walking merrily along and it would just hit out of nowhere. It's hard to describe except to say that it felt like pure evil. After it happened a couple more times I called my friend Jerry, who lived here about three years but sadly had to move, and he left the same month we moved in. We live in the very back corner of the place, thank God, but Jerry lived right up front where the action is- the main pool, weight room and Jacuzzi. 

 He's a super-nice guy and a social butterfly, and he really got to know much more about what goes on in this massive complex than I have. I told him what I'd experienced and asked him if I was just tripping, and he said definitely not. He said that there are a number of Wiccans, witches and Satanists even who live here, and sometimes he could feel it too. But there's really nothing to all that stuff. We're just imagining things, right? 

 Try telling that to my dog. Every time it's happened, at the exact same time I feel it, my dog goes perfectly still, and just stares ahead. I know it's not because of another dog or a human. In those situations he'll growl or bark, and he won't sit still. The only other times he's ever done that was when there was a prowler out back, the two times we saw a deer up-close and the night we saw a Bobcat. Yes, we saw a Bobcat. It'd climbed up in a thick Fir-type tree, and when I parted the branches to see what was making a weird, "Alien whining" sound I heard, he was three feet away and at eye-level. That was quite a surprise. 

 It's not just my dog reading me, which he can do like a book, and sensing fear. I don't fear evil at all. I know the holy name of its master, and believe me I'll invoke it if necessary. I'll try my best to get him to keep walking but he won't take another step, and in fact he always wants to go back inside ASAP. He practically runs back with his tail down. That's not like him at all. It's really very weird because normally he's totally fearless, and even a couple of the neighbors have commented on it. Even after we saw the Bobcat he still wanted to walk. He LIVES to walk. I'm #3 on the list behind food and "w-a-l-k-s" (I have to spell it around him if we're not going for one right away), which is still a huge honor, and seeing him NOT want to walk is unsettling. 

 He's sensing something, and he wants no part of it. I actually want to keep walking to see if the feeling changes, or if I just might see what's responsible, but I defer to his judgement. You can learn a lot from your dog. With that said, I've talked to quite a few dog-owners here, and lots of them have said their dogs are way more "edgy" here than anywhere they've ever lived. I mentioned my new friend's dog, who's so spooked here that she won't even go outside at all, even to pee. Bless their hearts for still keeping the dog. I said that I had a few things that would at least calm her down a peg.

 The night after I met her I prayed for three things. I prayed that her husband was a good dude and treated her like she should be treated, that he'd be cool with her talking to a white dude, and that God would ease some of the dog's fear, and to help me to help it. I believe that ALL fear comes from the Devil. The next morning she called me all excitedly and said that her dog had gone out that morning for the first time in the two years they've lived here. We were both cheering, and I told her I'd prayed about it the night before, and I thought she was going to cry. She believes in God big-time, and that did nothing to dissuade her. I guess that's just another coincidence, huh? Must be. God doesn't answer prayers, does He? BTW it wasn't MY doing. It was GOD'S doing, IMHO.

 I didn't know anything about her husband before today except that he'd gotten hold of a keeper. She came over today to get the dog stuff and she brought him along. He's white. Not only that but we'd met and spoken a few times. He's a good guy and it was obvious they're very much in love. I was quite pleased. They came in to meet my mom, and while the girls were talking I said to him "Dude, you got a good one there." "I know" he said. Later I said to her "He's pretty white." "Lol" she replied. She told him about her dog (who doesn't like anyone but her) loving on me, so I reckon he knows I'm okay. I briefly ran my idea about a "cooking" channel on YouTube by her, and I'll jump for joy if she agrees to do it. I think she'd do it just to try to counteract some of this racial bullshit going on. It'd be a blast. Know what? God is good, that's what. THIS HAS BEEN A COINCIDENCE. Have a nice day.

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