Saturday, August 7, 2021

The Smartest Person in the World

I know the smartest person in the world. What'r the odds? They've always fancied themselves to be, and if you can believe this, they actually believe it themselves and now I too realize it. Their opinions are FACT, period. I'm impressed. All those times I was wrong. Funny, 'cause I was there, but I guess I was wrong.

 I embraced adventure, within reason, at an early age, and I have some of the wildest stories going. People who know me, as should this person, know that I don't make-up shit or whatever, and many times they've been there themselves and seen the shit. I've said a million times that as crazy and as total bullshit as some of these stories may sound, they're true, and about 99.9% of the time there was at least one witness, and sometimes a roomful. 

 But apparently that's not good enough. I've told this person quite a few of my crazy stories and I suppose they believe some of them, but if it's something they don't believe, they'll say "No, that's not what happened. It was blah-blah..." It almost makes me laugh in amazement, but they actually believe what they're saying. It's an interesting thing to see. They literally think that they're so smart that they know more about a certain event than the people who were there. I guess they think their "superior intellect" gives them the power over right and wrong. It's epic, as they say. 

 It's like the other day when I was talking to someone and we didn't completely agree on a topic, which is perfectly fine. That's how it works. Ideally you talk it out, with RESPECT for the other guy's views, like two adults, but with many people that's not the case. They'll deflect and get upset and basically hurl insults at you, which is really all they have for ammo, instead of calmly disagreeing, but hopefully finding common ground or at least agree to disagree, not "YOU'RE WRONG!" 

 They asked me a question about it, but already knew that they were going to disagree with my answer, meaning that their mind was already made up, without even considering another view. I started to reply but was interrupted by a belligerent "WHAT ARE YOU AFRAD OF?" I took a breath and calmly explained that it wasn't about fear at all, which should've ended it there, but as I tried to continue, there was another "WHAT ARE YOU AFRAD OF?" One more time I tried to explain that it wasn't about fear in the least, but people hear or don't hear what they want.

 It went on and I heard "WHAT ARE YOU AFRAD OF?" two or three more times, until I just said "Fuck it." Then they got really angry at ME for "raising my voice." Well, I can say for sure that this person would do a hell of a lot more than just "raise their voice" if I was an asshole to them. Someone can't have the common courtesy and RESPECT to at least let you answer when they ask you a question, and then give a rebuttal or whatever, but no, I'm the bad guy. Funny how that works. 

 So what can you do? Sadly, nothing. You're already wrong before you even open your mouth, so why waste your time? It's an "energy vampire" deal. It wastes time and energy and it gets nowhere. They'll never change. They can't change. It's how they're wired. In the long run you have to realize that these people are pretty sad and empty inside, if they have to get their jollies by disrespecting or putting other people down. There's never, EVER any excuse to treat anyone with disrespect, no matter what the situation is. Guess whom it reflects on...the disrespector or the disrespectee.

 It's nothing more than a scared little kid in a grownup body. And when someone reacts so strongly to something they disagree with, it shows FEAR, plain and simple. They fear the unknown and don't want to know about it, and I get's human nature, but some people will remain calm, and go "I don't agree," which is fine. Maybe they'll even say "Hmm...I've never heard that before but maybe I'll look into it." But when their BP goes up 30 clicks and so does their voice, you know it's just a smokescreen. It's not how things should be discussed. If you filmed it, even they could see. 

 Knowing the smartest person in the world is an honor I guess. It's strange that all those times I was completely wrong about what went on, even though I was there. What happened...was it a "seizure" or an "acid-flashback" (good one) as this person told me? I guess so, although none of the other people there ever saw me go catatonic or flop on the ground, and I guess that means they were all wrong too. Was it mass-hysteria? Moldy Rye bread, and everybody had a sandwich? Did someone spray "acid gas" in the area? I don't know how we were all wrong, but obviously the person who told me so is some kind of Seer or Shaman or a crystal-ball-reader. It's uncanny. They're very, very smart. I was wrong, oh so wrong. Weird. 

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