Monday, August 23, 2021

Most Money Paid in Criminal Complaints

Do you know which megacorp has paid out the most money in CRIMINAL CHARGES? That's right, it's Pafizer- the very same people who (with J&J and "Modernae") are bringing us El Jabberooski. What were they charged with? It'd be awesome if you did your own research so you can see for yourself, but you won't, so I'll tell you: bribing docs, falsifying test results, negligence, etc. It's all right there for anyone to see, including YOU. And yet you TRUST these motherfuckers? There's a REASON some people choose (so far, that is) not to take the hokey-pokey, and it's NOT because they don't love people or they're KILLERS, like our very own prez sez. IT'S ALL LIES. If you want to take the word of CRIMINALS, go for it. Roll up your sleeve. Have a nice day. 

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