Tuesday, August 10, 2021


I really not sure...did Dr. Gates donate Microsoft to charity or something, once he became an MD? Did the former Mrs. G get half when "she" left Dodge? Maybe it wouldn't be considered a conflict-of-interest, but I'm stumped. Oh, and he's a farmer too...in fact the largest "private" landowner in the US at this time. Look it up. He wears a lot of hats, and money buys the biggest. He's got a fuckload of money, the most farmland in Amerika and even a medical degree apparently, while bypassing med school and residency and such. Dang.

 Anyway Micropenis, whatever entity owns it, is just another example of how the elites are trying to squeeze every Fiat penny out of us before the entire system changes over (to the Beast System) and it goes WAY beyond digital, and eventually WE become the currency, and everyone's been 'chipped. And vakksed, whacked, stacked and packed. Sounds crazy, right? I get it. It does to me too. 

 So I took a vid today and I was pleased to find that I could crop it on my phone. That's great, but it wouldn't open after it loaded. Apple and Micropenis don't always play nice together anyway, but this was different. For some reason I can't see, except to make a buck, the cropped version was in a different format, and Microdick wanted me to download XFuck1 software or whatever it was to be able to return the cropped video to its original format, so I could open it. Fair enough I guess, but they wanted 99 cents. You can make any excuse you want for those fucks, and say it has to be in this or that format...bullshit. It should be the same as a normal enlargement. It's just another trick...another brick in the wall. 

 It's not much, and after I reentered all my info down to my shoe size (10.5) for ten minutes, which I'd assumed Google would pull up, I paid the damn dollar, and got my video. I certainly don't mind paying for things, and I'll spend a bit more for quality, but you already paid for the shit when you bought the computer. It's not the damn money...it's just petty. No telling how many people paid that buck, just to crop a fucking vid. It adds up and I get Capitalism, but it's a joke. It also plays into the lie that there's really any competition, like "Apple vs. Micropenis." The 1% don't give a fuck which you buy...as long as the money goes to them. In the end they're all playing for the same damned team...the bad guys. 


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