Monday, August 9, 2021

Reply of the Day (and a GREAT Music Channel)

Not long ago I found what's now my favorite music channel on YouTube- the franknzappa channel. I'm actually one of his heroes because I told him I met Frank back in '75. If you love live music and esoteric, "proggy" albums, head on over and check him out. He plays the good shit...everything from Nektar to Camel to Yes to ELP, and of course lots of Zappa. As a bonus, the guy is hilarious, as are some of his viewers.

The other day he played a live ELP show. He goes live so people can comment. People were talking about ELP shows they'd seen in the past, and I said "I'm still recovering from seeing the Brain Salad Surgery show," and some guy quipped "You need surgery." "Lol I do" I said. That was funny. Later I said "Keith [Emerson] had the best left hand in the business," to which the host immediately replied "Apparently you never met my ex." That's a good one. If you like kickass music that's lightyears different from the usual shit on YouTube, stop by his channel, give him a sub and show some love. Listen to some good music too.

 franknzappa channel:

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