Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Research is Kewl (We are Devo)

There's an incredible bonus that comes with doing research, and I really should mention it more often, because "doing research" probably sounds boring as fuck to most people, but believe me, it isn't. The reason I do research is to get to the bottom of things and find the truth, no matter what my personal beliefs may be, but along with fact-finding, you run across amazing little nuggets like this. 

 I was just doing a post about Bob Dylan, and I went to Wiki to find out the year the song Gotta Serve Somebody was released. I found it and was about to close the page, but the word "Devo" jumped out from the middle of the article. It'd be very difficult to find a bigger Devo fan than I, so not only did the word pop off the page, but it made the story all that much better. I had a good laugh and a moment of intense pleasure.

 I was writing about Bob's alleged conversion to "Christianity," back in the late-70s or early-80s, and how I thought it was bogus, because when so many "Rock Stars" say that, it's bullshit, and you can tell because they continue to do basically the same things they've always done. It's like Alice Cooper claiming to be a "Christian," but still doing the same Satanically-themed shows. You can say it's just him keeping up his old image, and not alienating his fans or whatever, but it's bullshit. You can't serve two masters...you absolutely cannot. 

 So I saw the word "Devo" in the middle of an article about Bob Dylan, and I was thinking "WTF is the word 'Devo' doing in the middle of an article about Bob Dylan?" I found out to my great delight that at the end of the shows on the Duty Now for the Future tour, they'd change costumes and come out as a fake "Christain Rock" band called "Dove," and perform Bob's 1979 hit Gotta Serve Somebody, with Booji Boy (above) on vocals. Too much. They saw right through Bob's bullshit immediately. That's Devo 4 U. 

 I realize I have no life right now, but it made my day. Devo does Dylan. That's outstanding. I spelled "kewl" like that because people do occasionally stumble across this blog, and maybe there's one person out there who thinks that doing research isn't cool, and they'll change their mind. You don't have to be a Devo fan...there's plenty of stuff out there that I promise will blow your mind. You don't need movies with antiheroes, augmented-reality or whatever...real life is crazier. You just gotta dig. Remember...research is kewl, and we are Devo. 

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