Tuesday, March 1, 2022

"Any Publicity" Update/The face of Evil

[Please also see post below.] First off, if you don't see a demon looking out through this man's eyes, you need to turn up the gain on your discernment. Not only is he a child-predator, but he's the worst of the worst...a total waste of oxygen and a disgrace to the human race. It's amazing how many people, both the predator-catchers and hundreds of people who comment, say the same thing- "I'm not 'religious,' but they have a demon." The truth is coming to light. 

 I recently did a post about how, to the narcissist, any publicity is good publicity, and even if you say that someone is a total piece of shit, as long as they know they're getting attention, it doesn't really matter if it's positive or negative. ALL Pedos are narcissists, because only a narcissist, who possesses zero empathy, could ever scar a child like that, and be attracted in the first place. To the narcissist, attention is like food, and this is an horrific example.

 This sick fuck was talking to what he believed to be a 13 year-old girl, but in reality was a decoy, and he said some nasty and evil shit he wanted to do to her. It actually does get worse than this creepoid, but not by much, and if someone is willing to do the things he mentioned, there's no telling what he might end up doing. These people aren't human, but welcome to narcissism. 

 He went to Walmart, thinking he was meeting with a child, but instead was confronted by a predator-poaching team with cameras. You can set your watch by what narcissists do, and sure enough, like all of them, he tried to deny everything, and lied about his intent. It just goes to show not only how strongly narcissists are compelled to lie, but how utterly stupid their lies are. All of their conversations are recorded, and read back to them, and still they deny it, just like Lenny Bruce said to do. What's truly frightening about narcissists is that they actually believe their own lies. That's an incredibly-serious mental defect.

 Unlike most predators however, who finally do talk to some extent, again from need for attention, and to try to "justify" their actions, to themselves anyway, he simply quit talking and proceeded to the self-checkout. He'd gotten sodas, chips and such for the child, who, thank God, was only a decoy. In typical narcissistic fashion, he was creating his own version of reality, and thought if he simply ignored the problem, it'd go away. 

 He remained silent as he started scanning his groceries, trying to act like nothing was going on. When the main poacher dude realized that he wasn't going to cooperate, he yelled "ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS...THIS MAN IS HERE TO MEET WITH A 13 YEAR-OLD GIRL...FOR SEX! ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS..." He pissed his pants, which was excellent, and went into total shock. You could see the blood drain from his nasty-ass face, and he was visibly shaken and shaking. It surprised the living hell out of me too, and I can only imagine what it must have felt like in person. Damn...busted. 

 Never in my life have I heard a Walmart go silent, but that one did. The guy was standing there frozen and trembling, and looked like he was facing a firing squad. It was beautiful. Someone yelled "NO!" That pretty much summed-up the general feeling in the place. It was packed, and you could see mothers instinctively reaching for their kids to protect them, which is what I'd do. This sick-ass fuck was worse than anything in the scariest monster movie, because of course he's real. 

Then something truly evil and fucked-up happened. Poacher-dude was telling him that the video he was filming was live on YouTube and Facebook, and about 1,000 people were watching him live, and that tens of thousands of people would eventually see it, and know what a sick fuck he is. This is the Ped's reaction. 

 He went from sheer terror to intense pleasure, on a dime. He's smiling. I got some news folks...that ain't normal in any way...except in the case of a narcissist. Here's a guy being exposed as the vilest of the vile, he's just pissed himself, people are recoiling in horror, and probably wouldn't even let him pick up their trash, being screamed at in a silent Walmart, and he's getting off on it.

 It doesn't get any sicker than a narcissist, and I'm totally speaking from experience. They're sick, evil fucks. A guy laughing as he's being exposed as a child-predator, and enjoying it...it's straight-up Satanic, and even people who aren't "religious" think so. Some have even turned around and started looking into God, and understandably so. Narcissists are EVIL, and this is all you need to see. Protect your kids. These sickos are all over. Enjoy the attention, bro. Hell awaits these monsters. 




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