Tuesday, March 1, 2022

"Any Publicity" Followup (Puppies and Kittens) 🐾🐾🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️❤️πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

Since I just did a post about a horrid subject, and it's not my goal to totally bum people out, here's a few images of adorable puppies and kittens, to get you back into a pleasant frame of mind, if you read the above post, that is. The thing is, as "Christians," we believe what our book says, which is not to ignore evil, but rather to expose it. That's part of our agreement with God. We're charged with exposing it.

 I know a couple of people who ignore almost anything negative or evil, and think that if you even consider it, you're "dwelling on it." Not so. Simply acknowledging it (and maybe trying to do something about it) and dwelling on it are two completely different things. And you know what...the darker it gets, the more beautiful the things of God become. That's the beauty of it. 

So if the previous post made you feel sick and sad, and I hope it did, then here's some little animals to get you back into a happy place. AWWWWW...



Aww...it just doesn't get any better. Well, if I bummed you out with the above post I apologize, but again, this stuff has to be exposed. Don't just try to pretend it doesn't exist. These are our KIDS. Meanwhile, enjoy the cute puppies and kittens, and know that God loves you. He does. Have a blessed day. 


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