Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Happy International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day. Fuckin-A. I think every day should be Women's Day. I love women. Sometimes they've loved me too. I've known some amazing women, and a few who were less-than-amazing, but luckily the good ones outweighed the bad, and I don't mean in poundage. Speaking of poundage...well, ha, never mind. 

 In the brilliant song One Toke Over the Line, by Brewer and Shipleythe guy sings:

I met all the girls and I loved myself a few
And to my surprise
Like everything else I've been through
It opened up my eyes

I hear you bro. Women are some eye-opening creatures. Speaking of, I think I'll open my mind's eye and reflect on a few of them. If anything comes up, and I'm sure it will, I may talk about it. Meanwhile have a Happy International Women's Day. Find a good'un and tell her you love her. Happy Day, sisters! Y'all rock.

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