Monday, February 28, 2022

Targeted Advertising (AI Knows)

Well, well...looky here. A few minutes ago I did a post about a gumball machine, and I'm already getting ads for vintage gumball machines. AI knows. What's funny is that I was saying that this was happening 7-8 years ago, but if you talked about it you were "crazy." Who's crazy now? 

 I'm used to it now but still it's creepy. I can say that two years or so ago, when people finally started to realize that it was true, and asked me about it, I could hear the unease in their voices. Well, guess what...WE let it happen. If this doesn't bother you, then go back to checking your Faceboo...I mean "Meta" status, and have a nice day. If you're finally ready to admit something's up, and want to know the truth, it's out there for all to see. Time's a-wastin'. Wake up. 

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