Wednesday, March 2, 2022

In addition to "writing" seriously-killer Country songs and coming up with names for bands in my head, just as mental hobbies, I also think-up websites that might be useful, or at least be funny. I think this one would be both. I'd do it for free if I had the money...just for kicks. 

 We've all been there...sending heartfelt messages when we probably shouldn't have been...that is when we were drunk, and then we regretted sending them in the sober-ish light of dawn, and we wished we could take them back. Sending messages when we've had a little too much "truth serum" isn't always a good thing, and we can screw things up for life, with one drunken text. 

 I'd love to start a site called "" or something like that. Instead of typing messages directly into Facebook or sending texts or emails directly to the recipients, people could type messages onto my site. I'd hold them in escrow as it were, for 24 hours, and at the end of that time, if they haven't cancelled the message, I'd send it along to its destination. Gmail gives you several seconds to decide whether or not to cancel an email you've just sent. I'd give people 24 hours. They could adjust the time and customize it, but that would be the default time. I think it's brilliant. 

 Much of what I say is tongue-in-cheek, and this is too to a degree, but I think it'd be very useful to some people, especially those who tend to get overly-emotional when they drink. I bet it'd save a relationship or two, and keep a few people from losing their jobs or whatever. For those radical types, it could even prevent spending a little time in the pokey...who knows? Luckily I'm not prone to much drunken-messaging, but I bet I could think of a time or two when I could've used the service myself. I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt it'd he hilarious, if personal. Can you imagine? 

 I'd do it as a free service of course, but if it did save a relationship or whatever, there's no telling how someone might repay. I can say that just for helping some people on YouTube, whom I've never met in person, and which is what I try to do anyway, I've been repaid the kindness a thousandfold, literally. That was just a bonus, and a simple email thanking me for saving someone's ass would be enough. 

 Sometimes I wish I could monetize my brain. I don't mean to sound like some super-intelligent person, because I'm not, but I do come up with some good idears, and I do have a track record of turning some idears, like my dog treats and lotions and stuff, into reality. I don't know if this is a great idea or not, and it sounds like a joke, but I think it could be useful. It'd be worth it just for the hilarity. Don't drink and type. 


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