Sunday, March 6, 2022

Pepper Spray's a Bitch

This is the thumbnail from a video I just posted. In keeping with the theme of the world losing its mind, more craziness happened during a livestream on YouTube. I was watching a live "catch" of a child-predator, being approached by a decoy who'd been posing as an underage boy. 

 In typical predator fashion he tried to deny everything, and kept on walking. He called someone on his phone. It was funny as fuck...when the decoy asked him who he was calling, he said "My little sister." I laughed but I knew that wasn't good.

 Sure enough one of his goon buddies showed up about a minute later, and came at the decoy. The goon was a good bit bigger, and charged him. He tried to tell the goon that his friend was there to meet a child, but he didn't give a damn. He kept coming at him with his fists balling up. We all thought to our horror that we were about to see a beatdown, live on YouTube, but our boy had other plans. 

 Unseen to the camera, he whipped out his pepper spray, and nailed him right in the face. It stopped Goonboy in his tracks. He screamed in pain a few times and went running off, as did the predator. Everyone in the chat was not only grateful, but surprised as shit. The chat started flying by as people responded. I've never seen so many people say "Oh SHIT!" in all my life. Hundreds of "surprise" and "laughter" emojis plastered the chat. It was great. 

 I was so impressed by the footage that I had to record it. I'm glad I did, because the video's since been removed. I don't know why, since it was predator-poacher gold, but it's done. I'd bet dollars-to-donuts YouTube took it down. I've seen a couple of videos of people willingly getting sprayed, and it doesn't look like fun, but I'd never seen it used in a life-or-death situation. 

 It's always a trip to see someone's mindset get completely flipped, in a nanosecond. In this case he went from total rage to brutal pain and submission, in a heartbeat. Knowing what a creep he was made it all the more better, and it cracked me up. I rewound it several times and it just kept getting more impressive.

 I decided to record it in slow-motion, to avoid a possible copyright strike, and it became ten times funnier. His screams of pain echoed off the buildings, and you couldn't have asked for any better acoustics. The first scream was pretty impressive, and then he cranked it a peg or two. The second scream was louder and longer than the first, and he took it up at least an Octave. It sounded like a bellowing Bullmoose in heat or something. Then he looked back at the guy...sort of, and screamed "WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" It was beautiful.

 I just posted the video yesterday, and in less than 24 hours it's gotten way more views that any of my other videos that have been up for several years. That's cool, and I hope people enjoy it. I sure did. I doubt it'll ever get old, and when I need a laugh, I'll know where to go. I'm glad the guy was okay, and I don't reckon I'd want to be on the business-end of a blast of pepper spray. Dude didn't enjoy it much.

Pepper spray.....................................................................................................................................$10

Camera gear....................................................................................................................................$500

Turning some who's about to kick your ass into a screaming pile of pain................................Priceless



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