Monday, March 7, 2022

"Viral" Video

The "pepper spray" video I posted is threatening to go "viral," for me anyway, although I may end up having to take it down. It's already over 400 views, and it's still going strong. I may hit 1,000 eventually, and at this rate I should. For a tiny channel like mine, it's certainly not unheard of, but it doesn't happen too often. Of course lots of videos get millions of views, but for many YouTubers with small channels, it's a milestone. 

 I snagged it from a live vid on YouTube, put it into slow-motion and posted it. It's classic. I figured I might get a few extra views from the title alone, but not nearly that many. The original vid has been removed from general circulation, and put into the members-only section. I guarantee the guy will make money from people paying to become a member, just for that video alone. 

 I'm glad I snagged it when I did, although I only got a snippet of the roughly three minutes where this guy was involved. I'd love to see the whole thing again, and I'd have filmed more if I'd known it'd be taken down, but that's as much as I wanted to post. It went on for another two minutes after what I got. It was incredible to see a big bad goon, who was truly not a good person, coming at a guy trying to expose his buddy as a Pedo, get sprayed with pepper spray, and go running off and screaming like a little girl for a good two blocks. It was amazing, and lots of other people thought so too. 

 He's done at least three live catches since then, and people in the chat are still getting off on it, and wishing it were still posted. The crazy thing is, if I told people that I'd recorded some of it and put it on my channel, the views would kick-up into the tens of thousands, and truly go viral. There are channels that just review or react to these predator-catching vids, and they'd go nuts over this video. 

 I don't want to do that, because for one thing I don't want a big YouTube channel, but since the guy took the video down, and will make money from it, if he finds out that it's on my channel, he might ask me to take it down, and I'd reluctantly comply of course. As it is he still might find out. So far I've had comments from several people who saw it live, so apparently word is getting around. 

 I doubt YouTube would care, but it's his video, and he can basically make me take it down, although I'd understand and do it willingly. I'd hope though that he'd consider that not only am I not making any money from it, I'm also raising awareness for his channel and for what these guys do. I gave him a shoutout, and from the comments I know he'll pick up some new subs. I mean, I posted it because it's funny as fuck, but I'm also into protecting kids, and these sick fucks need to be exposed. 

 I don't want a big channel because I've never monetized, and I don't want to spend hours a day like some people do, for no money, from the vids anyway. I adore the people on my channel, but I don't want it to get any bigger. Give me quality over quantity any day. Having said that, I imagine most little guys have fantasized about having a video go viral, and this one is a winner. Maybe the guy will reach out to me, but I kinda hope he doesn't. I'd rather leave the video up and have 400 views than get 40,000 views and then have to take it down. We'll see. If I lay low I still might get a K. That's funny.


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