Thursday, March 3, 2022

AI Bloopers

I just did a post about how Artificial Intelligence hasn't quite perfected voice-to-text yet, and the results can be totally hilarious. If you ever need a laugh, turn on CC when you're watching a video, and see what it thinks people are saying. I found these gems in parts of just two or three videos. Enjoy the humor, and have a nice day. 

I'm Donna Filumena and we've just been suspended for dogs.

That's a hard time this is leather here soft.

My nose is not hot.

My goodness no smoke if from you.

Please get laid.

I will seize your head vinegar.

Judge them from your thing.

Defile your paper without stating the little birds disgust.

You have seen the printer going around and you say lovely.

Make you some bargain bucket swoosh.

They're adding her ass you know.

You said you were hair sharp.

It's classed as right Pierre.

We had other nonsense to catch and you win Florida.

You're going to find out your boyfriend is a Peter Parker.

Well, that's it for now. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and I'm sure I'll be back with more. 'Bye.

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