Tuesday, March 1, 2022

"drink" (Thank You, Thomas Tedder)

I don't know you Thomas Tedder, but I love you. I watched President Biden's speech tonight, on a YouTube channel that had a chat room, and thank God for that. The speech was so unsettling and so full of bullshit that I'd be in a much worse mood if it hadn't been for Thomas Tedder injecting some humor into the mix. 

 It was funny to me anyway. My sense of humor is both sick and twisted, so I find some things to be funny, where some people don't find them to be funny at all. Thankfully Thomas hit my Funny Bone, and in this case I'm sure some other people thought it was funny too. Thanks again Thomas, for taking the edge off of that Satanic and mindboggling speech. 

 There were about 600 people in the chat, and it was going by pretty quickly. I saw several people I knew, including a beautiful sister who goes by the name of "Plays in the Dirt." She's a sweetie, and I haven't spoken with her in a while. She was glad to see me, and sent me several hearts. I think I need to go and comment on some of her vids. She's amazing. Anyway I didn't notice Mr. Tedder until a few minutes into the speech. By then I was ready for a laugh. Timing is everything. 

 Several people in the chat were drinking, which isn't surprising at that hour, and a few people mentioned it. I'm guessing Thomas was rollin' long before the speech started. I noticed a few comments he made, like telling this or that public official to comb their hair, but mostly he kept repeating a single word..."drink." He was probably typing as fast as his drunk fingers could type and hit Enter, so about every 25th comment was "Thomas Tedder drink." Everyone else was talking about all this serious shit in between, and here was Thomas, going "drink...drink...drink...drink." He had a nice rhythm going.

 Maybe I'm easy, or just short on laughs, but it was cracking me up. Another thing I thank God for is that nobody banned him. They knew he was harmless and just having a little fun, and he wasn't being an asshole, like some drunks. I'd bet good money that Thomas is a happy-drunk. He'd occasionally make a comment besides "drink," and from the looks of his typing, he had a royal buzz going. The typing errors weren't because he couldn't spell; they were because he was drunk. I know for a fact that the majority of people in the chat don't drink, but I think that if we'd known ahead of time what the speech was going to be like, we'd have all gotten blottoed. We were drinking vicariously through Thomas.

 At first he made a few comments that were nothing but an emoji showing two champagne glasses tipping together in a toast, but I think it probably became too difficult or just too much of a bother to get to the emojis, the drunker he got. He made a few comments that were out-there and hilarious, but mostly the chat looked like "Blah-blah-blah-America-blah-blah WTF? blah-blah...drink...Meow-meow-meow-meow-infrastructure-meow-meow...drink...Bullshit-bullshit-bullshit-Nancy-bullshit and more bullshit...drink...Wah-wah-wah-WAH-wah-plannedemic-wah-wah-wah...drink...etc." It was outstanding.

At one point someone said something about drinking, and put up some alcohol-related emojis and such. It caught Thomas' eye, and changed his pattern ever so slightly. He replied "yes drink." I lost it. Thomas was in agreement. 

At one point he said "at least I'm wasted," and then went back to his usual comment, "drink." His chat rate started to slow down though, sort of like "Drink...drink...drink....drink......drink.........drink......................drink," until I figured we'd lost him to the bottle, and he'd finally faded out. After a minute or two of no Thomas, he had one last comment for us..."DRUNK," and that was about it from Tom. That rocks. I couldn't help putting "Cheers, Thomas! Night." in the chat.

 Humor is where you find it, and as I've said a million times, comment sections and chat rooms contain some of the best humor on the planet. It's pure and honest, and it's off the cuff and from the heart. Some people are just funny by nature, and that's a gift. Granted, some people wouldn't find a guy repeating the same word over and over in a chat room funny, and might even find it obnoxious, but it just fit the mood of the chat, and it cracked me up. Thanks for the laughs, Thomas Tedder. Cheers!


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