Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Can Cookies Predict Who'll be Prez?

Can a bakery predict the outcome of a presidential election? Lochel's Bakery in Hatboro, PA thinks so. For the last three elections they've made cookies with the candidates- this year blue ones for Biden and red ones for Trump, and so far they're batting .1000. I think it's a brilliant idea and at least as accurate if not more so than polls. This year cookie sales have outstripped those of all past elections. So which cookies are selling the most? Trump cookies, three-to-one.
 Should we take stock in this? We'll know soon. If these are "fortune cookies," then Sorry, Joe. Maybe next time. Meanwhile have a cookie. Or maybe they'll get it totally wrong. It's the same dough anyway. No matter how they sugar-coat it it's the lesser of two cookies. 

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