Monday, November 2, 2020

Photo of the Day

This image was originally going to be the thumbnail for a live stream on YouTube, which I decided not to do. This was worth saving though. When you go live on YT before you actually go on it takes an image for the thumbnail for the live video, in case you decide to leave it up on your channel. It counts down 3...2...1... and then it snaps a pic. It reminds me of the old photo booths where you put in quarters and got four poses. You can edit the thumbnail or add your own image, but it's the default setting and it's fine for most people.

 The thing is there's a lag, and I'm not sure if it's a delay or if it takes the pic a bit early, but it's hard to line something up and get it first try but I did okay. You have to be very still and I couldn't see the lens or the screen so I had to guess. I held it up and thought about it in terms of the Moongazer being the actual Moon, and my gigantic pumpkin head being Earth, and about where to hold it to eclipse my face. I didn't get it perfect but it's close enough for Rock & Roll. Simple economics will tell you that the sign for a still-existing bar is old.

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