Wednesday, October 14, 2020

In the Dark, the Light Shines Brightest

The darker a room the brighter a candle shines. With all this darkness in the world today, those who have light will shine brighter. You may not notice it now, but you will. Some people are bright in the sense they they're always positive, and that's fantastic. We need those people. Then there are some people who are trying to shine a light onto the darkness- in other words expose it. They're two different things, although they overlap, just like the Vesica Pisces. Actually the brightness of the positive people is already recognized. It's the latter group which will begin to shine more brightly should things get darker. 

 Again when you break things down to the lowest level, the atomic level, everything is a frequency. Positive thoughts and actions resonate in the higher frequencies and evil or negative thoughts resonate at lower frequencies. This is true and it can be measured. Positive frequencies can't defeat the lower frequencies per se, but they can cancel them out. It's just like two waves going in opposite directions meeting in the ocean, and it can be demonstrated in a wave tank. 

 If two waves meet in the middle where one of them is at peak and one is at trough, for a second they cancel each other out and the water becomes perfectly flat and still. It's the same way that noise-cancellation headphones work. The computer in the earphones samples, or records, the incoming sound waves (frequencies) and instantly creates an exact duplicate of the wave pattern, and then creates a mirror image of the waveforms that's equal in every way except that it's reversed, and sends it back into the headphones. The waves cancel each other out and the result is silence. It's pretty amazing when you think about it, but it's really just simple Physics.

  As we know, just as there are people who shine there are people who don't. They're evil or negative or whatever you want to call it, and most of them will never change. They've made their choice. Evil avoids the light operates in darkness. But the average person who still has a heart will be drawn to the light, as it should be. Whatever you believe or don't believe, positivity cancels out negativity, and it's been proven by science (SCIENCE). Most people know this anyway and maybe think that repeating it is unnecessary, but it's something we should be reminded of occasionally, in this context. Pay attention to those who shine now, and those who will shine. We're going to need them. Have a nice day. 

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