Saturday, October 10, 2020

These Dreams: Huggin' the Stuffin' Outta Y'all

I had the most amazing dream last night, and I bet lots of people are having similar dreams these days. I talked to one of my beautiful cousins last night which is what triggered the dream, since she and her sisters were in the first part. We'd gone out to eat and we were going to see a concert or something.

 We were taking the bus, only it wasn't an ordinary bus. It was badass- the bus looked normal from the outside but once you stepped inside it was about as big as a city block. It had staircases, elevators, a kids' play area, shops, theaters and several bars and restaurants and such inside. It's just one of those things you don't question in a dream.

 Before we got on the bus I became separated form them because I was talking to some chick that had taken an interest in me. These days that would probably never happen in real life, but again it was one of those dream-things you don't question. That's a good thing because if I'd questioned it I'd probably have woken up. 

 The sister and I got on the bus but it was a different one that my cousins got on. I knew I'd gotten on the wrong bus when I looked all around and they weren't there. I realized my mistake and we got off at the next stop. I found myself in the city near an expressway in Atlanta. It took place in Atlanta because that's where one of them still lives today, and it's where they all lived when we were kids.

 It was starting to get dark and I was in an unfamiliar 'hood but I wasn't worried. For one thing I had a sweet sister by my side. I was going to walk around and find a store or somewhere I could call them from (I guess I didn't have my phone, or maybe in my dream cellphones didn't exist). I found myself in a beautiful old neighborhood, looking up at a huge house with a huge yard. There was a party going on and people were walking toward the house. I decided I'd go up to the house and use the phone. The girl and I were (GASP) holding hands.

 There was a guy walking in front of me who looked very familiar. It looked just like my dear friend KennyMac, a bass player and one of my former rhythm-section buds. I love Kenny and I was going to say something but I didn't think it was really him, since I didn't know he was playing in Atlanta that night, and what are the odds, even in a dream. But when I heard him talk I knew it was him. I was delighted. "Is that who I think it is?" I called out. "Who did you think it was going to be?" replied Kenny. That was funny. BTW the photo above is Kenny's actual ass, at a gig, and I used this photo because that's basically the view I was getting in my dream.

 I realized that they were playing the party. Next thing I knew my buddy O' came up to me. In my dream I was fully aware of the Covid thing, although no one was wearing a mask. When O' saw me he ran over and gave me a huge hug. "Wow,'re not afraid to hug me." "Hell no" he said. "You're not living in fear" I said. "Of course not" he said. "You know me better than that." "Hallelujah" I replied. They invited me to sit-in for the evening and it was on like popcorn. Back in the day, in the waking world, O' and I used to hug each other so hard we almost couldn't breathe. I'd pick him up off the ground, which was no small feat for a skinny dude like me, but I was in good shape then.

 The rest of the dream basically revolved around me hugging the shit out of everyone in sight. It was like a cool drink of water to a very thirsty man. I was in hug heaven. The girl I'd met and I were hugging quite a bit too. I was hoping to hug her all night, if you get my drift. This went on for a while but then I woke up, and the no-hug reality of this current world hit me. I was crestfallen but the dream was so nice that it almost made up for it. Maybe we'll get back to that world one day. A guy can dream...

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