Wednesday, October 7, 2020

120lb Supermodel Kicks 230lb Guy's Ass: The Current State of Movies (and the World)


I realize that many times you have to suspend your beliefs to watch a movie, but this is a joke. In this scene from whatever movie it is we see a petite female knock a well-built FBI agent or whatever he is out cold with one blow...BOOM! Really now. Seriously? Are you shitting me? 

 If you've watched any major movies in the last few years where someone gets their ass kicked, more often than not it's a man being taken down by a woman. Women are mostly being portrayed as the heroes and men are mostly portrayed as bumbling, inept, weak and stupid. But why? 

 I'll tell you. It's just another part of the feminization of men. Unless you've been living under a rock the last few years you must have noticed. There's an iconic and disgusting image (that I wasn't able to find) that shows a guy with an earring who's crying because he wasn't able to use the women's restroom. He's being comforted by several women (who probably think it's hot) who are just as bad as he is. It's truly pathetic. Is it possibly because he has a dick, whether he wants it or not? I've said before that scientists who study the decline of the great civilizations, and why they declined, say that the last thing to occur in a society before a total collapse is "sexual ambiguity." We're there. Who could disagree? It's not sexist in any way, whether you're triggered into thinking so or not. It's fact.

 We've been hearing about so-called "toxic masculinity" lately, as if being a man is somehow "toxic." In the interest of equality, women can be every bit as "toxic," but you'll never see that. People are toxic. The way I look at it is to imagine you're a female (for purposes of this post) and you have a flat tire and you're stranded all alone by the side of the road at night. A car pulls up and stops and a man (again for purposes of this post) gets out and approaches you. 

 At first you're thrilled because you think he's going to rescue you but you quickly realize he's a bad guy and he means you harm. Quick...who would you rather see pull up in another car behind him...a man who's chock full of "toxic masculinity" and can save you from the bad guy or a "man" who cries because he can't use the ladies' room, and will run the other way as fast as his shaved legs can carry him? Well? I think that question answers itself. At least it should. This kind of thing doesn't say much for the preservation of the species, does it?

 There's far too much to go into here, especially if you haven't done any of your own research, which almost assuredly you haven't, but this is just a part of the coming Beast System. Whether you believe in a "Devil" or not doesn't matter, but you should know that the people who are really in charge of this world are almost universally Luciferians, or outright Satanists. It's 100% fact. They tell us. They're proud of it. Maybe the fact that these people worship Satan doesn't bother you at all, but it damn sure should. If it doesn't bother you, look into Satanism, and what these people really do. I dare you. I guarantee it will bother you if you know what they do. 

 It doesn't matter whether or not you or I believe in the Devil...they do. Even putting all that aside, these people are EVIL. They're globalists. In other words they don't have any allegiance or loyalty with America or any other country. For many people that's hard to imagine, and I get it. Do you actually think they care about us? These people are so evil and cruel and perverted that several psychologists have said that there should be a new classification of insanity to describe them. 

 This is the world that's coming, folks. Actually it's already here. It may be too late to fight this, even though we outnumber these people millions to one, but if enough people wake up, at least we can be somewhat prepared mentally if nothing else. In case anyone thinks this is about women per se, or that I'm a "hater" or any of that nonsense, I'll say two things: I adore women, and do your own research.

 Please...and at this point I'm begging you...please take an hour from checking your Facebook status or whatever and look into all this stuff. Surely by now you've heard enough talk about this to at least make you go "Hmmm..." You might learn something. I did. And I don't mean going to Snopes. BTW that's something else you should look into, especially if you're going to trust them to give you the truth. 

 If you want to reject all this as crazy talk, and never ever spend five minutes looking into it, that's up to you and I defend your right to do so. I don't want this shit to be true for anything, and it most definitely sucks to learn this kind of information, but not only is knowledge power but it also erases fear and uncertainty, and that's huge. Call me a nutter...I don't care. Just take a minute and look into it for yourself...and our children. They're the ones who are going to have to live in this world. PLEASE. Prove me wrong. Have a nice day. 

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