Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Election 2020: It's Halloween All Year Long

This year our "choices" for prez are a black-eyed, tongue-tied man who loves to paw little girls, or a clown. The last (s)election was between a clown and a witch. That was straight-up Halloween for real. 

 With all the election fuckery going on already this year, I might be careful about getting too "patriotic" about it. If you take what candidates say they're going to do before they get into office and compare that to what they actually do once they get in...well, I'll leave that to you to decide.

 I've had friends berate me for not getting heavily involved in politics, as if it somehow means that I don't care about my country, which I very deeply do, but I say it's all just a football game. Same shit different guy. If you take all the shit they say, throw it into a blender and then divide by the number of candidates, it pretty much works out even, allowing for current events. The left/right paradigm is an illusion. It's a case of divide-and-conquer, although most people would call me crazy for saying that, and I get it. As I just today heard someone say, the truth is neither on the left nor the right, but somewhere in the middle. 

 The last time I voted was a write-in vote for Frank Zappa. Believe it or not he'd have made an excellent president. Zappa was brilliant (watch some of his interviews) and he was talking about what's going on right now, all the way back in the 80s. It's uncanny. The next four years are going to be a hell of a ride no matter who gets into office. Trick or treat! Buckle-up y'all. God help us. Peace.

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