Tuesday, October 20, 2020

I Should Have a Little Cred by Now

If people were talking about things that hadn't happened yet, months or even years before they happened, and then they happened, don't you think you'd start paying a little more attention to what they said from then on? Sure you would. It doesn't matter if it's crazy shit or not...odds are odds. It makes no difference if it's horseracing predictions or trends in society or a million other things, even crazy shit. 

 Some people have been doing it for years. Once or twice could be just a coincidence, but half a dozen or more times falls into the category of beating the odds, and that simply can't be disregarded. I was talking about some of the things that are happening now, as much as a decade ago. Let's take a look at a few of the things that have happened or that almost certainly are going to happen, and what I, and many others, were saying years ago.

 Surveillance. By now most people know that all our information...Facebook posts, texts, emails and even phone calls is being recorded and stored, but just a couple of years ago people were called crazy for saying that. I was talking about it at least it six or seven years ago. I was still using a desktop. I did a post about it where I talked about all the massive storage facilities they were constructing in the desert, just to house all our information, complete with an aerial photo of the buildings being built. Storing memory was much bulkier and expensive than it is now and I said that they were going to a lot of trouble and expense to store every single letter we type and word we say. Who the fuck needs that amount of control? 

 People were talking about it until fairly recently and being called wackos, yet here we are, and it's real. A year or so ago a buddy called me, in a state of perplexation, and told me that his nephew had called him freaking out because he and a buddy were walking in the woods discussing something, and when he got back it popped up first in a search before he even typed the first word. It blew his mind. He knew that the only way it could have happened was that his phone was recording his conversation with his friend, and primed his computer. He swore he'd never searched on it before so it couldn't have been in his search history. Apparently it scared him a little and I could tell my buddy was a bit bewildered too. 

 He called me up to ask about it. He'd been reading my blog for years and he knew I'd been talking about stuff like that. Even he knew it was beyond chance. He told me that story and how much it had flipped-out his nephew and his buddy, and asked me if I thought it was true. "Of course it is" I said. "They're just now rolling it out." By now everyone has experienced it. Bingo. 

 Shortages. I've been saying gently for several years that people might want to stock up on some extra food, water, batteries and such. With all the crazy weather that destroyed massive amounts of crops worldwide over the past few years it's bound to happen. I'm sure you've noticed that food prices have risen sharply, and with the Covid thing it's only going to get worse. I'm NOT trying to scare anyone; I'm just trying to give a heads-up. There's no harm in getting a little extra stuff that you use anyway. It won't go to waste. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. It's just common sense. You don't wait until you wreck your car to get insurance. Being prepared doesn't mean being paranoid, although some think so. 

Universal basic income. I did a post maybe three years ago saying that this was coming, and I said that if everyone gets the same pay there would be no incentive to become a brain surgeon over a grocery bagger, at least pay-wise. Why would you go through med school and residency if you'd make the same as a cashier or whatever, which requires zero schooling? As strange as it may sound, universal basic income, or UBI, may actually happen in the not-too-distant future. It's been talked about enough that it has its own initials. Some speculate that the stimulus checks could be the first step.

 One thing I haven't heard mentioned in relation to UBI goes back to a video I've watched several times. It was a talk given by Geordie Rose, the guy who produced the first quantum computer, the D-Wave, and has since gone on to start an AI/robotics company. Since way back in the 60s at least we've been hearing that robots may one day take over most jobs, and now it's actually happening. In the video Mr. Rose says that these robots will be able to do anything and everything that humans do, only a million times better. If that happens, and Geordie thinks it will, then it would make sense that there would be no need for humans to train as doctors, or cashiers either for that matter. 

 BTW he also mentions that these "robots" will be controlled by "entities" that are going to be "summoned" from another dimension. I'm not kidding, and although it sounds like some tinfoil-hat-wearing person, it's actually one of the wealthiest businessmen around, and he's anything but a crackpot. These entities, which sound a lot like the "Old Ones," the Lovecraftian-type entities, will be summoned to inhabit the robots. "Summoned" is an interesting choice of words, since it generally refers to the summoning of demons. It's an utterly fascinating and rather terrifying video. I highly recommend taking twenty minutes to watch it. It will blow your mind, and maybe make some of this stuff sound less crazy since it's an actual businessman talking to an audience. Check it out. The link is here >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqN_2jDVbOU.

 Cashless society. I just recently did a post about how badly a cashless society is going to suck, and it truly is, but I also did a post on the subject about three years ago. I said that I was in line paying for some groceries with cash, and I was a bit surprised but very pleased that the young black cashier was aware of it too. Not because he was black, as if it matters, but because he was young, and even aware of it to begin with. I started to hand him the bills but drew back jokingly at the last second and asked if they still accepted cash. He laughed and said that they still did, but probably not for very much longer. We laughed but we exchanged knowing glances, and I could tell he was at least partially "awake." 

 If you don't believe me when I say that a cashless society is going to suck in the worst possible way, there are tons of articles and videos on the subject, and I urge you to take a moment and peruse a few of them. This is our future. The cover of The Economist magazine featured an eagle holding a Bitcoin or something similar. It basically said that a universal digital currency was coming, and to get ready. An article just came out saying that Covid can remain active on currency for up to a month. I say it's just more bullshit but most people will believe it, and it's a perfect excuse to ban paper money. Let me say again that IT'S GOING TO SUCK. 

 Fireball meteors. I was saying back in 2016 that fireball meteors and meteors in general were going to increase steadily over the next decade or so, and then exponentially spike, and that's exactly what's happening. Nearly every day lately there are sightings and videos of huge fireballs exploding over cities all over the world. A few have made landfall. A few years back when most people (like my bro-in-law), who heard that meteors were increasing, blew it off. They said that it was just that more people were taking phone videos and getting dashcams, but that just goes to show that people don't always think about what they're saying.

 There are more people getting dashcams and taking vids with their phones, but a meteor doesn't care if it's filmed. Plus meteors are automatically tracked by several sites around the world including the US and Canada, Russia and the UK. You can go to sites like Spaceweather.com and see charts that show a steady increase over the past decade or so, along with the recent spike. It's happening as we speak, and I'll make another "prediction" for you: there's going to be an even bigger spike in fireball meteors in the next few years, and there may come a time when there's so many at once that many nights may rival the infamous Leonid meteor shower (meteor storm actually) of 1833 which was immortalized in fantastic woodcuts. There were so many meteors that the sky was literally covered in them, thousands at once. Many people panicked and some thought it was the end of the world. 

I've been a sky-watcher since age three, when my folks took my sister and me out on the front lawn to watch meteor showers. I absolutely adore this image. I've posted it several times over the years and I'll post it again. This woodcut was the equivalent of a modern photograph, and woodcuts were how they illustrated many articles at the time. This image just sucks me in. I saw an incredible meteor shower way back in 1975- one every few seconds, all different colors, meteors that crossed the entire sky and meteors coming one after the other as if they were chasing each other. It was like Star Wars or something.

 There are two huge debris clusters that are about halfway out across our solar system, and we'll be passing right through them in about two years. In the meantime they're going to continue to increase, and it's liable to be a real sky-show. We've been passing through a debris field in outer space for the past five years or so. Meteor shower occur when we pass through the tail of a comet. Yesterday for example there were 16 fireballs logged, and that was a very slow day. They've been registering as many as 85 a day recently. Some of the recent videos of these fireball meteors are spectacular. Heads-up. 

 Speaking of heads-up, if you want to know what's likely to happen in the next few months or years, just ask a "Conspiracy Theorist." I'm not kidding. Facts are facts, whether you want to totally insult someone's intelligence or not. And it isn't just me talking about this stuff obviously; it's people who know a hell of a lot more about these subjects that I do- scientists, doctors, astronomers, economists and the like. So how do we know? It's called "doing your own research." I've said that a million times. I realize that most people are too busy with work, family and such to have much time to look into this (although anyone could find an hour or two), so for that reason they should ask someone like myself if they're interested. 

 There you have it. I've been talking about these things and many more in my blogs going back a decade at least. It's all there and you can search my blog if you want. I'd say it's on the money. Twenty years or so ago I'd have thought all this stuff sounded batshit-crazy too, and I get that it does to most people now. Luckily my "Bell of Truth" in the back of my head wouldn't stop ringing until I looked into it, and lo and behold I found, to my great surprise and dismay, that it was actually true. My record speaks for itself. Shouldn't that make you want to lend a tiny ear to what I'm saying? I hope so. Have a nice day.


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