Friday, October 9, 2020

Repost- Joe Biden Loves to Touch Children (Official Music Video by Jake the Asshole on YT)

I'm reposting this because in the original I posted the other day, when I put in the link the color of the text was actually changed from the color it's supposed to be, so it disappeared against the black background. I didn't do it, but isn't it interesting that it was changed? Maybe someone doesn't want this getting out. Hmmm...and you think there's no agenda. Well, people should see this...far and wide. Look at that poor little girl. Does it really look like she likes Sleepy/Creepy Joe's attention? This is just the tip of the iceberg. Get ready...Pedo heads are going to roll. Again I'm not a Trumper. He's not much better.
 Here's the link again. Mouse over it and it will appear. Enjoy.

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