Thursday, October 15, 2020

No More Gatherings in Montreal

Did you know that in Montreal it's now illegal to have any sort of visits with family and friends? That's right. They were already limiting the number of people who could gather at once, but now visiting anyone is against the law. And they aren't playing. First offense is jail time, plus a heavy fine. No Thanksgiving dinner with the fam. No going to your buddy's house to watch a movie or hang out or whatever. No going to little Susie's birthday party. No NOTHING. It's against the law. You can't even go somewhere wearing a mask and social-distancing. And it's coming here. 

 The Antifa fucks have defense funds with unlimited resources. They can go out and smash windows and burn buildings and shoot at cops and do pretty much anything short of murder, and they'll never spend a minute in jail, and it's all free, yet people who want go go visit their mom will go to jail if they get caught. It's true. A guy was talking about it last night and he said that you have to keep pinching yourself and it's true. And it's coming here. 

 Know what else you can't do anymore in Montreal? You can't hug a family member at a funeral. Apparently they now have "Grief Monitors" or whatever the fuck they are, and if you try to console a loved-one they'll come over and break it up just like two fighters in the ring who are both tired and just basically hugging each other until they catch their breath. Pretty soon they'll probably arrest you for it, but that's how it gets worse by degrees, even as the death rate is declining. Look it up. This is pure evil man .It's not the virus, it's the "cure." And it's coming here. 

 It's coming here. Bet your sweet ass it is. Better visit people while you can. How people can go without even questioning this, much less support it is completely beyond me. If you think that this virus can be eliminated by shutting down the world and losing virtually every cool restaurant, business, movie theater...EVERYTHING, then go ahead and roll over and submit to this satanic tyranny. Let 'em shut down the whole damn deal over a virus that granted is bad, but actually kills less people than the regular flu. Keep living in fear and making bad choices. Narc on your neighbors if they're not social-distancing. Shame everyone who still has enough sense not to wear a mask in the great outdoors. If you want to live in a world where there's nothing left, go for it. If we don't stand up for ourselves and for our children, then we deserve it. I hope you only like shopping at Walmart or Sam's Club or eating at Taco Bell or McDonald's, and NOTHING ELSE. Get ready. It's coming here.

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