Sunday, October 25, 2020


A friend sent me a video that her dad had sent her. It was about reading the data on the chip inside face masks. I didn't even know they were 'chipped but I'm not surprised. Pretty much everything these days is 'chipped. Those things are tiny and probably a penny apiece and there's no telling how many they're making, but it's something I'd definitely invest in if I did that. Gotta work within the system.

 The video (link HERE>>> shows a guy allegedly reading the data from a chip in a mask. It was just a garden-variety cheap mask. He takes the cover off of a thumb drive. Here we see him soldering the ends of the wire enclosed in the "nose wire," which allows for a tighter fit around the honker. 

 When he first cut into the mask I was expecting to see a tiny chip fall out, but the wire itself was the chip. That's spy shit right there. There's some law- possibly Joe's Law of Miniaturization, although that's probably not it, but it basically says that things like chips and such get smaller, maybe by half but I'm not positive, every so often. It means that things get cheaper and smaller...way smaller.

 Before transistors it would take a good-sized unit with vacuum tubes to do what a tiny chip can do today. In the early days of computing it would've taken several mainframes as big as a fridge to do what your phone can do. Chips are so tiny now that they put them in playing cards at casinos where events are televised, and you can't tell the difference. Some people think that chips have already gotten to the nano-level, which I don't doubt. They call it "Nanodust" or "Smartdust." Fact or fiction? I say fact, but what Joe's Law tells is that it will happen sooner than later, so if it isn't fact already we know for sure that it will be at some point. The anti-theft devices on clothes were big and bulky at first, and he only reason they still use them is obviously as a visual deterrent. They could put a chip in a button now. 

 Anyway the guy solders the ends of the wire to the circuit board of the flash drive and pops it into a laptop, and data appears. It's not like "Bob wore his mask for 15 minutes while he was at Target, and then drove 1.787 miles to Burger-in-a-Hurry" or anything like that; it's computer code, which you'd have to know how to read. BTW some people would immediately say it's fake, but even if it is, and it could be, it doesn't matter one bit because this level of miniaturization is already here. It's a done deal. 

 Most people, including myself, have a hard time believing this one, but the powers that be (TPTB) want to track everything to the extent that they have a unique digital ID for every single coffee bean grown on the planet. I kid you not and this is from a searchable article, probably one of several by now, and it's on a major website like Scientific American, or possibly a Dot Guv site, but it's not "fake news." This is narcissism-cubed. It's manic. This sounds batshit-crazy but it's true.

 It hasn't happened yet but that's their stated goal. They can already track elderly patients from the light bulbs in their rooms. They didn't invent that technology just for elderly people. It's in all lightbulbs. If you think it's bad now just wait until the Internet of Things is fully-established. They'll be able to track you, listen and even observe you from your toaster, and everything else in your home. Can you say "1984?" 

 Most people, including my former self, say "So what? I'm not doing anything wrong. Let 'em track me." It's one thing if they kept an eye on your Facebook posts or occasionally checked in on your phone line or emails or whatever to see what you were up to, but to feel the need to record every single character you type, word you say, images and thoughts you share, and don't forget sexting...every single bit of it is recorded and stored. I'll remind you again that I was talking about this coming down the pike years ago and people who said that were called the dreaded "C-word." You know...those who have a theory. It doesn't mean "Crazy Person." 

 Would you have a problem knowing someone had hacked all your shit and they were listening, observing and logging everything you did, and where you are to within six feet now (more on that in a future post), knowing what you buy and where you buy it, who you hang out with, your political or religious views, the sick shit we do online...and they knew everydamnthing about you? Sure you would. But it's perfectly okay for the gubmint to do that. They only have our best interest at heart, and not the Almighty Dollar, right? Sure they do.

 As we all apparently know, whenever someone is elected to office they must first attend the "Magical Ministry of Truth" and get a degree. That means that they will never be corrupt or do anything to harm the citizens in their charge. They'd never inhale, or have sex with that woman. They must act solely on our behalf, and can never do anything to harm us. The Magical Ministry of Truth insures that. And their outstanding ethics and high morals ensure that they'll never violate that oath, and they give us their word, and that's good enough. We can trust them completely.

 A carnie will rig the Wheel of Chance at a fair just to put an extra 75 cents in their pocket. You don't think that that very human urge isn't magnified by about a million or a billion, when huge amounts of money, the kind involved in politics, are at stake? Bless your heart. Oh to be that naïve and asleep again...sometimes I wish I could go back to sleep, but that's impossible. I'm sure glad we have the Magical Ministry of Truth. Otherwise I might occasionally think that TPTB don't have our best interest at heart, but there's nothing to worry about, right? They proudly display their degrees front-and-center. They're so noble. 

 So supposedly all or most masks we buy are 'chipped. Ho-hum. The girl who sent me the video was a little upset about it because she's just now beginning to look into this stuff, but at this point I say big fucking deal. To me it's creepy that anyone would want that kind of information about ordinary citizens. Ostensibly it's used for targeted-advertising, and I could see that, but it's clearly used for much more.

 By now most people know that there's a unique profile on every single person on the Web, and we each get ads, YouTube suggestions and many other things targeted to each one of us individually. That's a little creepy by itself but again I can see that part of it. But people are actually getting arrested for comments or posts they made a few years earlier. That's alarming, and it's far from just a couple of incidents. That's getting into "Thought Police" territory right there.

 You can actually Google the info that's been collected on you, at least most of it, any I hear that if you do it totally blows your mind. I'm scared to do it myself but I might one day. Holy Sh*t. I guess if you want to ruin a friendship or a relationship, Google someone. They know more about you than you know, and that's no joke. They can now predict, based on the info they've collected, the time, place and circumstances of your death, with at least 75% accuracy. It's a fact. That's lovely. If you enter yourself and a new romantic partner, it will predict the outcome of your entire relationship with something like 95% accuracy or better. That's fucked-up. I think I'd rather take my chances and do it the analog way. 

 The reason I don't care is that it's already here and it's been here for years. An article came out saying that they were recording conversations from the early days of the telephone, and that those recordings still exist. That didn't surprise me either really. I'd love to hear a few of them just to have a "time-capsule" experience. They've had methods of tracking our asses for a long time, although it's getting way more up-close and personal. Tracking you from your lamps? Who'da thunk it? 

 I can't believe it isn't at least a little concerning to most people but still they blow it off and I get it. It's not like they're watching in and listening you physically every minute of the day, as if you're being watched 24/7, but they are logging everything using AI. If they want they can pop in directly to see what up. The technology to do that is built-in. It's called a "backdoor." Google it, Dylan. There's no point at this point in worrying about being tracked, even though the idea of a microchip in masks is a little unsettling. 

 There's noting we can do now but be made aware of it, and decide if it's the best course to follow, in terms of our future, and our children's future. I think it was Ben Franklin who said that people who trade their freedoms for "security" deserves and will get neither. They also say that the best way to get questionable technology into the hands of the people is to make them want it, whether they think about it or not (and usually not). They make an Alexa-type monitor for children's bedrooms. The kids try on outfits, and whatever or whomever is on the other end watching, tells the kids if their outfits match. Are you fucking kidding me? I don't suppose and pervs have ever hacked that. Nah. Who would willingly bring that into their home? And yet we do. 

I should maybe apologize for this but this is the problem with way too many people, and this old poster says it all. I always say that people should pop their head out of their ass and get some oxygen to their brain so they can calm down and take a second to think about what they're doing and saying. Add the masks and it's a wonder everyone hasn't suffocated by now.  

 You know what else the mask chips are going to say, just before they short-out? "Bob wore this mask improperly for approximately 27.244 hours over nine days. It was discarded in a trash receptacle on 39th Street  (or most likely tossed on the ground), and eventually made it into the ocean, where it's killing what's left of the Sea Turtles, who mistake the masks for jellyfish and choke on them, or become a huge issue for landfills and such...zzzZZZzzzzt." Who gives a fuck about Sea Turtles, right? It's sad. 

 They wanted to chip the fuck out of us and we just stood there and never said a word. We never even thought about it. It's supposed to make life easier. After all, isn't it better to let a camera with God knows whom or what are on the other end, tell your children which outfit looks best? No interaction with mom needed. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. I just don't see that as smart, but what do I know? I'm just a "C" theorist. I wouldn't put it in my kids' bedroom, or any other room for that matter.

 Heard about the creepy laughter and other weird shit that Alexa and that other virtual sister Siri do without prompting? If you want to call that a glitch then you need to understand how glitches work. They don't create those kind of things, i.e. a new program, out of thin air. Whether it's an employee programmer with a really bad sense of humor playing jokes on people or something different, it was done on purpose. 

 If you've made it this far, congratulations. I was actually going to put up a link to Lol Cats or whatever as a reward, but you did a good thing reading this. Knowledge is your reward. Knowledge is power. Have a nice day, and get some air. 


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