Thursday, October 8, 2020

These Dreams: The Craziest Dream I've ever Had

Last night I had the craziest dream I've ever had in my life. I dreamed that the people in charge said "Hey, I know...let's shut down the country, make millions of people homeless and ruin millions of other people's lives, kill off most of the private businesses, scare the shit out of everyone else, and just for good measure let's make everybody wear masks that say right on the box that they don't protect from viruses, but we'll imply that they do, all for a virus that has about a 99% survival rate, which jumps to about 100% unless someone is old or has a compromised immune system, and see what happens." Man I've never been so glad to wake up from a dream. I knew that the public couldn't possibly be that afraid and stupid. Whew.

 Oh, wait...I'm awake! Oh dear God...this is real. It wasn't a dream after's really happening. It's a living nightmare. People really are about stupid as fuck. Speaking of waking up, y'all really need to. 

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