Sunday, October 4, 2020


Thank you Father, for allowing me to be a part of your beautiful kingdom on this Earth. Thank you for blessing me with parents who raised me to have a heart and a conscience, and who showed me that it is truly better to give than to receive. Thank you Father for my wonderful friends. Thank you for every animal that's ever come into my life.

 Thank you for my river. Thank you for my love of Nature. Thank you for Jean, and for showing me love. Thank you for sending your angels to protect me when I put myself in harm's way. Thank you for Bert. Thank you for music! 

 Thank you Father for all the incredible adventures I've had, even the craziness. Thank you for my eyesight and hearing. Thank you for the beautiful skies. Thank you for keeping the thread between us intact at all times, no matter how thinly I may have stretched it. Thank you for allowing me not to live my life in fear. Thank you for my curiosity.

 I love you Lord.

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