Saturday, October 17, 2020

Dr. Bill

We're all so incredibly fortunate that Dr. Gates is going to save us all with his "perfectly safe," "thoroughly-tested," "harmless-ingredient-filled," LITIGATION-FREE vacks. Dr. Gates will save us. Wait a minute...Bill Gates isn't a doctor. He never went to med school. Oh well, it's cool. He has enough money that he doesn't need a medical degree. I guess if I was a billionaire I too could do anything I wanted. I could pilot a 747 without ever having gone to flight school. It's all good.

 There's nothing wrong with this picture. Let's all just roll up out sleeves and let them spike us. Bill is totally trustworthy, right? He's not a Eugenicist. Nah. The fact that he isn't a doctor in any shape, form or fashion doesn't matter at all. If we don't take the vacks, WE'LL ALL DIE! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. You're our savoir! You love us all. Bill Gates is not a doctor folks. WAKE UP. Have a nice day. 

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