Wednesday, July 14, 2021

What's This, Then?

Here's another illustration from one of the thousands of ads for the latest and greatest new pharmaceutical. You know the ads...the first ten seconds is all sunshine, rainbows and singing birds, and the medicated person is smiling like a lunatic and riding a bicycle through the heather or whatever, and then the next fifty seconds describe all the side-effects. You know the ones. The next step in the process is "1-800-BAD-DRUG." In other words they knew all along the shit was toxic but they approved it anyway (follow the money, honey), but that's another story.

 I was just curious as to what this person is. Is it a happy female, with no breasts and a chin shadow, or is it a super-effeminate dude with a neck beard? These days...well, who gives a fuck, right? Long as they're taking their meds. Have a nice day. Fuck me, man.

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