Monday, July 26, 2021

eddie/Lotion, STAT/Jaded Old F*ck

One of my girls came on Friday night with a livestream on YouTube. She's an absolute trip. She's hilarious, and like I've said a million times, truly-funny women are a turn-on. It indicates intelligence, and intelligent she is. She's fully-awake (NOT "woke") and not baffled by the bullshit.

 She's a "Christian," for lack of a better word, and very kind and caring, and somewhat proper in that she doesn't use a lot of foul language and such, but she's by no means a prude. By day she's a "Truther," and on the weekends she cuts loose with what she calls "Movie Noight." Oh, and she's also smoking-hot, for what it's worth.

 Usually she shows mostly 80s, trippy, cheeseball classics, and this time she outdid herself.  She showed some fucked-up movie about some frat boys and sorority sisters who broke into a bowling alley to steal a trophy for prank week, and they knock over a big trophy, freeing a demon/imp who'd been trapped inside for thirty years. It was mayhem as you can imagine.

 She also showed a really fucked-up short, called "eddie." Apparently it's a cult classic, but a needless one in my book. It's fucked-up from the very first minute, and goes on for an agonizing 13 minutes or so. This is Eddie. Usually I don't watch shit like this and I'd have turned it off except that the people in her chat, maybe 70% women, were absolutely hilarious, so I stuck around. I didn't feel like talking so I just "lurked" and marveled at how truly funny they were being. As a result I also had to look at Eddie. With all the bizarre shit going on in real life I was barely fazed. When I first saw Eddie all I could think about was "Man, that poor fuck REALLY needs some of my lotion." I thought it was funny anyway. 

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