Thursday, July 1, 2021

The WTF Files #62,842,223,893: "The Treeees..."

[ ]This photo was taken a few years ago at our apartment on the river. I left it uncropped to show the height of the trees. They were beautiful. Not long after I came back in the land-line rang. That was strange because it hadn't worked in over a year. It basically came with the cable package and we plugged in an old Garfield phone but we never used it much. I'd tried to use it when my phone was fried but I couldn't get a dial-tone, yet it was ringing. I answered. "Hello?" "Trees" said a weird, spooky voice. "Excuse me?" "The trees. The trees, sir, the treeeeees." "What about the trees?" I asked. "The trees are all around you" (CLICK). They were right, but who the hell were they, and how'd they know? That was freaky.

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