Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Post to Facebook...LOL

I've been blogging now for I guess around 15 years or more, and I'd have to go look but I've been on this one for almost ten years I think. I just like to write, and I never gave a fuck about trying to promote my blogs in any way.
 In fact I use the "labels" function not to use keywords so that people can find my posts in a search, but as a tail-end to the post...a denouement or an epilog if you will. If I used it normally, tons of people would find this blog, but that's not what I want. 
 It's pretty personal anyway, and in lieu of paying for a therapist, seeing your words in print adds something to the deal...I don't really know what but it's really good therapy. I can talk to myself and get away with it. That's a joke BTW. 

 I've sent links to a very few people over the years if I did a particular post I thought they might enjoy, or that mentioned them or might give them a laugh or whatever, but I doubt I've done that more than a dozen times. I repeat myself repeat myself a lot, and retell stories just to keep them fresh and see how they compare, but a lot of the shit I talk about makes me sound like I'm insane to most people, and I get it. 

 I was about to edit a post and fix something that my friend Spellcheck missed, and I noticed the share options next to the pencil icon, and saw the ubiquitous Facebook logo. It really hit my Funny Bone. I thought, "Share to Facebook...ha-ha. Ha...HAAAA-ha. HAAA-HAAA-HAAAAAAAAA-ha-ha. Ha-ha-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-ha. Ha-ha-ha-HAAAAA-ha-HAAAAAAAAAAAA-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!" Sorry, my head I was totally cracking-up. Ha-ha...share to Facebook...ha-ha.  That's funny. 

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